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  1. P

    Gospel Confusion... are preaching to the choir All that is basic and no brainer. Look, we all know Paul INCLUDED the Gentiles, but preached HEAVILY to the Jews. THAT IS ALL THERE IS. THE GENTILES INCLUDED. So you are wrong by EMPHASIS. You are trying to make some point that NOBODY ELSE was allowed to...
  2. P

    Gospel Confusion...

    SMH at the error produced by trying to one dimensionalize God's word. What in the world do they do with Hebrews????? Loaded with "types"
  3. P

    Gospel Confusion...

    Nope. It is both. We see believers occupying actual thrones in Rev 20. We see the word of God saying to the church we are seated together with Jesus now. It is not either<>or. It Is both. Hyperpaulines are one dimensional. I can imagine the struggle of Hyperpaulines over the verse in Rev 5...
  4. P

    Gospel Confusion...

    And Peter And others. Paul was constantly preaching to the Jews. Paul said " to the Jew FIRST, and also to the Gentiles " Paul put his countrymen ahead of the Gentiles. ( this shows us the emphasis of the hyperpauline assumptions is error by emphasis) No doubt rejecting the verses and message...
  5. P

    Great GRACE {MYSTERY} Departure @ the 2nd coming {prophecy}?

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (Maybe take a legitimate shot at it???) Not properly understanding verses makes diverse doctrines even more diverse and thrive even much more... ;)
  6. P

    Great GRACE {MYSTERY} Departure @ the 2nd coming {prophecy}?

    Lol Pretrib rapture. Read this real slowly.: Mark 13 26 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. 27 And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost...
  7. P

    Great GRACE {MYSTERY} Departure @ the 2nd coming {prophecy}?

    Word salad. You did NOT ADDRESS WHO WAS TAKEN. Instead you gave a discource of what is in your mind. There is only 2 possibilities of the ones taken/ left. Either the righteous are taken, or the wicked. But you can't go there can you? Your post is a dodge. That tells us you are incorrect right...
  8. P

    Gospel Confusion...

  9. P

    Gospel Confusion...

    Thank you Jesus for your word, that we don't have to worship Paul who is the Savior of the hyper paulines.
  10. P

    Gospel Confusion...

    I keep seeing these hyper Pauline's quote over and over " we rightly divide the truth" Uh Do Not at all. You pick verses like all false doctrine does. You trample God's testimony of Jesus and put Paul ahead of the words of Jesus. Jesus preached salvation through himself only ...AS DID...
  11. P

    video disagreeing with the "Rapture"

    1) the setting needs to be changed to fit some doctrine. (There is no normal life, commerce and everyday activities) in a postrib or midtrib rapture.) That alone makes your interpretation impossible. 2) Jesus uses a 50% taken, 50% left behind group of people....and he does it twice...just so we...
  12. P

    Great GRACE {MYSTERY} Departure @ the 2nd coming {prophecy}?

    It says "before the flood, one taken,one left" then , "watch and be ready" Nothing of that is mid or postrib. 100% pretrib gathering. To seal it, Jesus uses Lot as a verification of a pretrib gathering. The third witness is the virgin parable, spoken in the same breath as mat 24 "one...
  13. P

    Great GRACE {MYSTERY} Departure @ the 2nd coming {prophecy}?

    Re read Matthew. One taken and left is PRETRIB. Jesus told you that. Psssst...the tares burned is the lof. That is After the mil. Put all verses on the table. Then hope to get it correct.
  14. P

    video disagreeing with the "Rapture"

    Yes. It is plain to see a pretrib gathering. Jesus vividly depicted the ones taken in everyday life and free commerce. Definately a pretrib rapture as you pointed out. Thanks.
  15. P

    video disagreeing with the "Rapture"

    Lol You need more context. Once you remove context, theses strange doctrines appear. It was Jesus that said of the ones taken/left, to watch and be ready. Jesus said, "BEFORE THE FLOOD, WITH NORMAL EVERYDAY LIFE, AND WITH FREE COMMERCE, one taken , one left behind WAYCH AND BE READY" Ahem...
  16. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Bingo. The man has read his bible.
  17. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    The postrib rapture verses paint those adherents into a huge corner. All die refusing the mark. The bus stop is empty Nobody left to pick up, and yet a doctrine exists saying Jesus comes for non existent passengers. Just unbelievable.
  18. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    It says every man woman and child that are not in the book. It says he is given power to overcome the saints. It says the saints overcame him through martyrdom. Now what? Omit those verses?