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  1. P

    The rapture? The comimg of Christ.

    Rev17:14 is Jesus destroying the AC and his army. Not earth's population. I get what you're doing here Because when you went To Luke 24 You try to incorporate all of Earth's population being wiped out To Jesus Coming. wherever you may place that I'm not even sure . Instead of placing it...
  2. P

    The rapture? The comimg of Christ.

    Rev 19:15 says he comes on white horses and rules the nation's with a rod of iron. Completely different from your theory that no ungodly enter the MK.
  3. P

    The rapture? The comimg of Christ.

    In Matthew 24 you left out "before the flood" You changed all verses by eliminating what Jesus said
  4. P

    The rapture? The comimg of Christ.

    Nobody was " taken away" before the flood. So nothing of your post applies. Stick with Jesus's analogy. Jesuscsaid " before the flood, one taken,one left" You are transposing the world's population onto " before the flood" The ONLY ONES removed before the flood were Noah and family. I...
  5. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Does Rev 14 ( what you call pure talk) have 3 gatherings? Very simple question for you. Btw...that would be scripture.
  6. P

    The rapture? The comimg of Christ.

    A man leaves earth in grace and love floating solo in a time of peace, commerce and normal life addressing only his followers. The angels were so mistaken IN THEIR DESCRIPTION under your doctrine. NONE OF THE "LIKE MANNER" OF ACTS 1 FITS YOUR THEORY. ABSOLUTELY WRONG, AND TOTALLY MISPLACED AND...
  7. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    The Bible says all take the mark. Every man,woman, and child. All take the mark not written in the book. No Christians "go through the trib" Refuse the mark and you are beheaded.
  8. P

    The rapture? The comimg of Christ.

    Now remember guys we are looking for at least 1 verse supporting a postrib rapture.
  9. P

    The rapture? The comimg of Christ.

    Re read it Matthew 24 says AFTER THE TRIB. Now you got that part right. But completely missed the rest of the verse. Angel gather FROM HEAVEN. AHEM, IN the Rapture, Jesus gathers from earth. 1 thes 4 is used equally by both sides , but postribbers OMIT ALL SISTER VERSES. TOTALLY OMITTED. So we...
  10. P

    The rapture? The comimg of Christ.

    Explain how one taken/left is not the rapture. Then what you are speculating in Luke 17.
  11. P

    The rapture? The comimg of Christ.

    Bingo. Well said
  12. P

    The rapture? The comimg of Christ.

    Never said that. I am saying the taken/left is WHAT JESUS SAID...BEFORE THE FLOOD, ONE TAKEN/LEFT. SO was Jesus confused????? Did he consult your doctrine to correct his error?
  13. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    You only believe what you are told. Rev 14 has 3 gatherings. None of them are the rapture of 1 thes 4. Your doctrine has a declaration of "only one coming" If I show you more than one, your entire deal fails. It destroys completely your eschatology. Rev 14 does just that. Acts 1 does just that...
  14. P

    The rapture? The comimg of Christ.

    Post a postrib rapture verse. Go ahead I will wait.
  15. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    You just posted a verse (verses) that say believers overcame the AC by death. Are you aware you agree that all die without the mark in the trib as you have just indicated????
  16. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Post a verse pointing to a postrib rapture. Just one.
  17. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Lol Only new believers are martyred in the first half ?????? Show me where the verses pointing to half the church left behind are God's mistake. Post the verses. Also prove the christians are martyred only in the second half of the trib, or whatever your theory is about the mark can not...
  18. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Lol Both sides believe those verses and incorporate them in their Doctrine. That is why postribs use only one verse for their Doctrine, and don't realize that one verse is not the rapture, nor can it possibly be the rapture. But if your doctrine is sound, post a verse pointing to a postrib...
  19. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Pure deflection. In line with your hit and run red mark. Pretrib rapture has verses. Postib rapture has none. Not a single verse to support a postrib rapture!!! What is going on with that postrib rapture theory.?????? I have challenged postribbers to show me one single verse and they can not...
  20. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    For the reader: Luke 21:36 is in fact the virgins parable and is vividly depicting the pretrib rapture. The bride is taken. The carnal are left behind. Mat 24 has the same 50% taken before the flood. Nothing else fits. Care to try and show a 50% taken group.? Who exactly are the half taken in...