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  1. stilllearning

    Believe it or not, you are a Romantic!

    The data does not suggest that at all nor does human behavior. The case is quite opposite. The rise and popularity of sites like Instagram. Selfies, posting these selfies to whatever social media platform. Studies on online dating with 40% percent of women in one saying they only do online...
  2. stilllearning

    Believe it or not, you are a Romantic!

    Nonsense. There is a preacher I like more than most on youtube he is country preacher out of Knoxville by the name of Charles Lawson. One of the things he said that really sunk in and find he has some wisdom in the words he said. He said if you don't understand what someone is saying or they...
  3. stilllearning

    Is a College Degree/Advanced Education Expense Worth the Price?

    I never had Greek Ouzo, but had its equivalent Turkish Raki when I was stationed in Turkey. Clear till you added water then turned milky. Hated those hangovers cause a black licorice taste is not all the pleasant going down, but that taste is downright unbearable, tasting black licorice coming...
  4. stilllearning

    Is a College Degree/Advanced Education Expense Worth the Price?

    Not what I was trying to get across. Was pushing more for the unintended consequences of a decision. In fact since I have been here have found some questions very interesting and they do truly go hand in hand with each other. Those questions being are men attracted to independent women, what...
  5. stilllearning

    I'm Really a Nice Person Until....(what gets your goat)?

    I am never gonna make it to Jeopardy, so have to take any chance I can to share the useless info in my head, that would at least be more profitable to me on a game show........LOL
  6. stilllearning

    I'm Really a Nice Person Until....(what gets your goat)?

    China used the fork before chopsticks. History records two of the factors that influenced the change was a period of a wood scarcity and Confucius. As Confucianism spread so did his message of non aggression. Forks and knives were looked at as a means of aggression. So a culture change was...
  7. stilllearning

    Let’s talk!

    Gary, where ya been hiding bro when I could use some help. Sounds like Dr. Love is in the building. Can I book a session or two with ya bro and get some smooth in my game :)
  8. stilllearning

    I wouldn't marry.......

    I unequivocally, without hesitation, absolutely refuse to marry a woman who says no to my proposal.........LOL
  9. stilllearning

    Anyone in Missouri

    Once upon a time before I had ventured out west. I was born and resided there. Numerous of my aunt's, uncles, and cousins live there. As well as two of my brothers and a sister. So I visit there when I can. However, myself was and my kin are over on the east side along the mighty Missasip...
  10. stilllearning

    Let’s talk!

    Riddle me this oh ye wise one. Which example of great friendship shall I take from you? Shall it be your words of never criticize a friend then two post later you criticize them. Shall I call them cheap and of low esteem because they told me how much they paid for something? Christ said if...
  11. stilllearning

    Let’s talk!

    LOL..........What is that up there in the sky faster than a speeding bullet. It's a bird, it's a plane, it's it's my deflated ego......LOL I should have just kept it George Strait, third grade simple and passed a note that said check yes or no...........LOL I think we have found a pet...
  12. stilllearning

    Let’s talk!

    Could not agree more my brother she is a good woman. While it is no ones business we as Christians we date to mate. We are under obligation if we do pursue dating and mating it comes with responsibilities. We are warned in the bible if we chose to take on certain things they come with...
  13. stilllearning

    Let’s talk!

    The flirting is with @1ofthem. Flirted to get the girl and continue do so because I love to flirt with her because I love her. So that is what the conversation was about between @Live4Him3 and myself.
  14. stilllearning

    Let’s talk!

    Really.......LOL You mean I have not been obvious enough.....LOL
  15. stilllearning

    Let’s talk!

    Could not agree more my brother :)
  16. stilllearning

    Let’s talk!

    That is funny.........LOL Because I am convinced I fit that description of publicly flirting in threads with a certain someone........LOL
  17. stilllearning

    Is a College Degree/Advanced Education Expense Worth the Price?

    I think the points I would have brought up have been hit on. So to just point out another variable and the cost in terms of the human perspective and how it is directly effecting women folk. Studies have been run in the world and I have seen Christian gals not answer in the same way the world...
  18. stilllearning

    Your thoughts on jeans

    I wear my pj's out in public everyday but then I also sleep in my jeans every night.....LOL Sometimes I think I take the motto it is better to be prepared and not need something, than to need something and not be prepared, to a far extent.....LOL Started when I was a child of 5 years. Our...
  19. stilllearning

    Labeling Vs. Learning: How Much Should We Accept, and How Much Should We Try to Overcome?

    Overall as to the questioning of labeling and accepting labels or not. Not sure what to think about it. It sounds eerily familiar to the cry I recall in the 70's when folks would say I am a name not a number. So don't really have a broad answer for the overall question reckon will just have...
  20. stilllearning

    Labeling Vs. Learning: How Much Should We Accept, and How Much Should We Try to Overcome?

    Honestly I would not let it get to you. Self righteousness comes in many forms and flavors. With the current flavor being a race to get a gold medal in the oppression Olympics or amassing the most victim points. That is all some folks have as their claim. You are hating it because lets face...