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  1. stilllearning

    Don’t quickly fall in love

    Oh I agree my brother. I don't quite buy into the 8 seconds study. There are various different studies each giving a different time frame. I do find that the 8 day one may hold some legitimacy. Which is only derived at by my own experience. Namely after talking to @1ofthem for a week talking...
  2. stilllearning

    Don’t quickly fall in love

    That may be hard for us men bro as studies show that us men do fall in love faster than women. One study shows that it only takes 8 seconds for a man to fall in love.....LOL Maybe they should stop making videos and conversations on social media saying men never want to commit and start asking...
  3. stilllearning

    Anyone else cant get friends?

    Honestly I think this here is what may be your problem..................I am very self-aware, so im really trying to anaylize why i keep failing. Reason I say this, is for a fact you started this thread and have folks replying. So that would point to you can gain folks interest and enough...
  4. stilllearning

    Describe Yourself in Three Words Only

    Needs adult supervision. Which comes with the super power to be able to cause a outburst....LOL Was one such occasion that I caused one and my ex wife said to me I am not your mother. To which I replied when we were dating you would say don't eat that, stop put that down, don't you dare, you...
  5. stilllearning

    Are there many true Christians to date

    I reckon in response to your question, Are there many true Christians to date. I would have to say that is totally subjective, based upon what each individual would consider or define a true Christian. Not saying or implying your sons do this by any means. However, anecdotally have observed...
  6. stilllearning

    I met someone....struggling with triggers

    I applaud you, I truly do. I find you are being honest with yourself and agree with your analysis of yourself. You are intense and may be more than what most people are used to. So I agree you probably did need to break your feelings in slow to him and in a actual conversation. I would...
  7. stilllearning

    For the Men: Would You Choose Single Fatherhood Over Abortion if Given the Choice?

    You are adding to the problem you profess to be against. Prior to abortion a woman had to be picky had to chose the right man for her. As the consequence was a child with someone who may not love her or be there for her. So your solution is to make personal responsibility void. When you make...
  8. stilllearning

    Breaking! Biden signs executive order on abortion, declares Supreme Court 'out of control'

    You are correct and God answered that one for us. Jezabel was a princess from Phoenicia, baal Hamon worship originated in Tyre. Her name can be translated with the meaning I need no husband I need no master. Of course she worshipped this baal being from Phoenicia. Which called for child...
  9. stilllearning

    Stop all the rules about Christian dating. 1 Corinthians 7:25

    it is direct vs indirect. Angels and Adam were called the sons of God because God directly created them. In the old testament at various times talking to prophets God called them sons of man. He was calling them sons of Adam. As all of us born after Adam are a indirect creation of God but a...
  10. stilllearning

    Breaking! Biden signs executive order on abortion, declares Supreme Court 'out of control'

    There is nothing new under the sun. In ancient Cana they worshipped the false god Baal Hamon or Molech. It called for child sacrifice. They did so to incur favor from this false god. Today we sacrifice babies for the same reason. We use language like it will ruin the mothers life if she is...
  11. stilllearning

    Are people from MENA white?

    I would also guess that the OP is of Lebanese heritage since he used the Cedar tree and that tree is the symbol on their flag and of course his screen name. So as others pointed out his question was not innocuous, as he in his opening said such..............."From what I have noticed, many...
  12. stilllearning

    Are people from MENA white?

    I see this gent has been cast out into outer darkness. However, find that his premises was flawed because he is using modern day as a data point for the ancient and classical time periods. He has also failed to take into account the culture and failed to use the bible itself to answer his...
  13. stilllearning

    Gift ideas for a man. I need ideas.

    I have to agree with Lynx's first post go with a knife as a gift. I have found a knife covers so many areas and is a perfect gift. It has the cool factor written all over it. Practical as can be cause at some point you always need to cut something. Be it a seat belt because you have come...
  14. stilllearning

    What kind of drink are you?

    I am a cup of tea. Evidence points so. I have had folks in my lifetime tell me "you are just not my cup of tea" so survey says........cup of tea...............LOL
  15. stilllearning

    Will There Be Sex in Heaven?

    That is just it God is the ultimate scientist and mathematician. He says his ways are above our ways. However, he also says that there is a simplicity in his ways that confound the wise. He is orderly and what we know today, that we call science is orderly and logical. God is God no denying...
  16. stilllearning

    If I had the money / Tell you what I'd do...

    If I had a incredible sum of cash. I would use it for revenge every penny. Most of my life until Obama and the spike of gas prices during his admin. Delivery was free when pizza companies started charging delivery cost it was relayed as to be temp until gas prices went down. They went down...
  17. stilllearning

    Will There Be Sex in Heaven?

    Not necessarily. When we read scripture it says that Christ in his resurrection body was able to walk through solid mater. The door was locked yet he entered the room. We know the Godhead ate with Abraham before they destroyed Sodom. We can entertain angels unaware. The angels that are...
  18. stilllearning

    What Captures Your Eye?

    In a poll taken in 2012 it found that 59% of women had ink compared to only 41% of men Then in 2018 is was reported that of people getting ink it was 80% women compared to 20% men...
  19. stilllearning

    What Captures Your Eye?

    I reckon it is not what but what not that attracts me. I am attracted to an absence of a tattoo. I like natural in the sense of no implants or lip injections or tattoos. However, on the other hand I am all about artificially enhancement when it comes to wearing make up. That sounds...
  20. stilllearning

    Things NOT to say on your first date....

    Not a first date of the usual sort. However, back in the late 90's my best friend met his wife online at some dating site. So I was to be his best man and it was a few days before the wedding and finally got to meet his wife for the first time. Well my sense of humor is hit or miss and just...