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  1. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    1st, I'm not accusing you of anything. I was once a Pretribber, and changed my opinion due to evidence that came in. I don't think I was "evil" for believing in Pretrib, nor do I think you're "evil" for believing in Pretrib. We are just having a difference of opinion on this. 2nd, it is not an...
  2. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    You're welcome to your opinion. I understand your argument, but cannot accept it as reasonable. I cannot see "in like manner" as an assumption that millions of horses followed Jesus as he ascended into the clouds of heaven. Rather, he ascended alone into heaven, and will return from heaven "in...
  3. randyk

    Matthew 24:40 Is the rapture secret?

    I know, and I agree, but that wasn't what I meant. I mean that this event was not titled, "The Rapture" in the Scriptures. It is not a proper noun given to what in effect is a rapture to heaven experienced by those who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord. There is no doubt that...
  4. randyk

    Matthew 24:40 Is the rapture secret?

    I have a completely different take on the one taken and the one left. I think they are both under judgment. One is taken away and either destroyed or taken into captivity, and one is left to manage the fields for the Romans. This is the Roman judgment against Jerusalem in 70 AD, and results in...
  5. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    Oh yea--our goal is to glorify the Lord--not win arguments. There are a good number of mature Christians among us who know that disagreement does not always divide. God bless...
  6. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    I'm not interested in telling a story that seems plausible to you or to anybody--only declare what the Lord has given me to declare. Even if it sounds peripheral and irrelevant, if the Lord makes it clear to me that it is important to Him--no matter how seemingly insignificant, then I will share...
  7. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    Jesus is coming with the clouds of heaven just as he left and disappeared into the clouds of heaven. In other words, as he went up to heaven so he's coming down from heaven. What he will actually look like in his new glorified body I don't know? That he will be recognized in some way I do know...
  8. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    Well, the truth is, you aren't really being honest. You said I haven't done any investigation. Of course i have. If all you want to do is marginalize my claims by submitting false evidence then I don't think we can debate anything.
  9. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    Thanks. I kind of get happy when I find friendly fellow pilgrims who have the same Jesus I have! :) I may have grosssly understated this!
  10. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    For sure. For me, the point is, expecting Christ at any moment isn't what gets the job done. It is our determined love for Christ that we continuously stir up that keeps our Christian lives on fire. It is training ourselves to be in love with his righteousness, doing what his word commands day...
  11. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    That's the whole idea--whatever your view of the "Rapture," we are always to be "ready" for the Kingdom. In my belief we are ready and prepared simply by maintaining a clean, holy, and righteous life. That is being "ready." For Pretribbers, being 'ready" means expecting Jesus could come on any...
  12. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    For sure. When Christ returns he will immediately resurrect all saints who had died previously, giving them new glorious, immortal bodies. He will not raise them in their old bodies. He will create for them new bodies. The spirits of these departed saints are already with Christ in heaven...
  13. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    Are you basing this assertion on explicit biblical teaching, or by drawing conclusions based on inexplicit biblical teachings? The Law forgave sins, as surely as the NT forgives sins. The only difference is that OT forgiveness lacked the capacity to grant eternal life. You could, I should think...
  14. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    I wasns't taught my Postrib belief, except perhaps indirectly. I was raised up in the Lutheran Church, which is fixed on Covenant Theology. or Amillennialism. I became Postrib when I memorized 2 Thessalonians, and recognized it was explicitly teaching Postrib. You are quite wrong that I was...
  15. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    Although what you say is true I don't personally think the parable was set up that way. It appears to be set up so that the 5 virgins were *required* to bring oil, and of necessity had to go out and buy more, since it was running out for them. This may seem nonsensical, so I could be wrong...
  16. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    I don't quite agree with everything you're stating here, but you make a good point. A lot of Christianity today is "professional" or half-hearted. It is often a lukewarm or compromised church that we see. Nominal Christianity characterizes the vast number of Christians in the world today...
  17. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    I'm not sure what your concern here is? The parable is given in the context of Israel while she was still under the Law. At that time, Israel was not yet the "Bride," but only servant-maids of God. They were to be awaiting the coming of Messiah, who would betroth Israel to God forever, as...
  18. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    Yes, I know. We are looking at this from different points of view. I'm saying that Jesus was discouraging Christians from factoring into our lifestyle calendar dates or the importance of precisely when certain events would take place. It was more important to focus on Christ in heaven at all...
  19. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    The historical context matters, I think. Jesus was predicting the end of Jewish Religion under the Law, including the fall of the Temple and the fall of Jerusalem itself. The nation would be cast aside and into all nations, the beginning of an age-long Diaspora. And so, in Jesus' own generation...
  20. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    I've explained the need for vigilance from a Postrib pov. There are those who would obstruct us and divert us from doing what God would have us to do. There are false teachers and false prophets--we need to watch out for temptations. We may not know the precise schedule and calendar date of...