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  1. randyk

    Israel's Final Deliverance

    Israel is, in fact, a physical place. Am I "stuck" on facts?
  2. randyk

    Israel's Final Deliverance

    I understanding both the beginning and the end. But you were confusing political suicide with non-Christianity.
  3. randyk

    Israel's Final Deliverance

    Let's not confuse political suicide with non-Christianity.
  4. randyk

    Israel's Final Deliverance

    Yes, I know. Jews in Israel obviously are not opposed to the State of Israel. They may have a different political philosophy, but they are not for the destruction of their own country. For example, some rabbis may believe that only God can bring in God's Kingdom. And so, they are against...
  5. randyk

    Israel's Final Deliverance

    I think you're confusing "allegory" with "symbols." An allegory is an imaginary story told to represent something else. Symbols are used all the time in telling a real story without reference to imaginary stories. For example, the Prophets spoke of a literal invasion of Israel by Assyrians and...
  6. randyk

    Israel's Final Deliverance

    That makes no sense. I may say that certain political parties in the U.S. are opposed to the current state of the Constitution. But that doesn't mean they are against the U.S. Those who choose to live in a particular country obviously support that country unless they are embedded spies and...
  7. randyk

    Israel's Final Deliverance

    As I indicated, the UN, a gathering of all nations, has put in motion an international court, which has condemned Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel. The UN has also condemned Israel in the matter of their assault upon Gaza, settler expansion, and many other matters. In sum, the UN, as a...
  8. randyk

    Israel's Final Deliverance

    Yes, you have a point, and I've wondered about the Gog prophecy as well, which many people apply to the 2nd Coming and it is obviously applicable after the thousand years, as well! So, sometimes I think prophecy repeats itself. In the case of the Gog prophecy, I do think it will take place both...
  9. randyk

    Israel's Final Deliverance

    There is not much doubt in my mind that the following prophecy has to do with the time of Israel's final deliverance. Can you imagine a prophecy 2500 years old applying to our own time? It seems unimaginable, and yet it appears to be true! Zech 12.1 A prophecy: The word of the Lord concerning...
  10. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    Wow, you were part of that history of the Cuban invasion--amazing! We should've planned better for something like that! My daughter went into the military jumping out of planes thing, but had to abandon that due to an injury. However, I have height fright, and do well going up a ladder, but...
  11. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    Terrible earthquakes have taken place all through history, including volcanic explosions, deadly hurricanes, international wars, etc. They have never meant the end of the planet, and God has promised that the earth will be "forever." What gives greatest intensity to these last plagues is the...
  12. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    I'm not saying your views are "bankrupt"--I'm just disagreeing with them. I'm happy to discuss each and every one of these passages, assuming we can disagree agreeably?
  13. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    You must've completely misunderstood me, or thought I was someone else. I don't remember calling you "lost." As for errors in our doctrine, I think they can be dangerous for others and for ourselves. But those of us who have held to wrong doctrines might include most, if not all, of us. It...
  14. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    Page 2 As I've been saying, Blaising stretches the meaning of the "Day of the Lord" to include much more than the single day of Christ's Return. Instead, it is based on the notion that historical prophecies intentionally have an eschatological flair, and attempt to instill in readers a sense of...
  15. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    I was asked, if I wanted to discuss the Rapture and its controversies, to read "The Rapture Pretribulation, Prewrath, or Postribulation." This book shares the 3 viewpoints indicated, and I've read it, taken notes, and made comments. I still have to digest some of the material, but I'll begin...
  16. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    Jesus shall indeed return "in like manner as he left.* He ascended into the clouds. He returns from the clouds. This does not mean the circumstances will be exactly the same in both instances. When Jesus left he left in his old body, healed from torture and death. When he returns he will come on...
  17. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    Why is your brand of Christianity "rudeness?" It's more important that you learn true Christianity than debate various Christian disagreements.
  18. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    The fact you throw out false charges is easy to prove. However, even if I should prove you wrong, you will not confess your misrepresentation. I've addresssed all of the Pretrib arguments thrown at me. I've omitted nothing. Rather than debate issues you wish to attack the person. I'm not...
  19. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    Okay, you just explained that you cannot debate in a "Christian" manner. I have no interest in debating you on this. You positively misrepresent me. I just spent weeks studying a book that presents the Pretrib position by a Pretrib scholar. Is that "no investigation?" No. Is that condemnation...
  20. randyk

    The Rapture Event

    I know disagreements can be annoying, but I prefer to keep all Christian discussions "Christian," and representative of Christian "love." Let's leave the "hostile" remarks out of it as much as possible if you wish to discuss our differences at all. I have studied this subject--very much so over...