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  1. G

    Not By Works

    when you refer to the catholics as " them", shouldn't you say "us" ? since you are one.
  2. G

    Not By Works

    I feel like I am back in middle school, with notes being passed, " check yes or no" with the red x silliness.
  3. G

    Not By Works

    saying that Jesus is God is something no Christ follower should have any issue answering. unless, there is a reason why you do not want to.
  4. G

    Not By Works

    so, why do you think it is o.k for you to what your questions answered when you will not answer questions posed to you? how is this thought process fair or honest?
  5. G

    Not By Works

    o.k. maybe you have changed your beliefs. so, if a believer chooses to keep the twilight fri. to twilight sat. , that is fine. if a believer chooses to rest on the Lord's day, then that is fine also. if a believer rests on any day ( God's way, one day a week to rest) then that is fine also...
  6. G

    Not By Works

    nope. no answer from me unless you guarantee to answer the Jesus question.
  7. G

    Not By Works

    I will answer the 2 questions if you ask them to me. then I will expect you to answer the question that m.m.d. asked you .
  8. G

    Not By Works

    well, the sprit that led you to think you have to keep the Sabbath to be saved was not the Holy Sprit. the Holy Sprit does not lie. Sabbath for salvation is a lie.
  9. G

    Not By Works

    you certainly do not want to answer this question . I am starting to get an idea of the answer the more you refuse to answer.
  10. G

    Not By Works

    was Jesus fully God? that question that you never answered.
  11. G

    Not By Works

    maybe you should answer the question posed to you before you mention other's ( supposedly ) not answering your questions
  12. G

    Not By Works

    ah, so now I see what is behind your lack of being able to accept how fruit grows and matures. you think sanctification is instantaneous . you could not be more wrong. moving on. nothing to see here. just another person so steeped in religious mindset, they can't see the forest for the tress.
  13. G

    Not By Works

    yes, crops, you are right. but we are talking about fruit. ( or we were till you moved the target again). i'll say it again- grapes were a staple in Israel. grapes grow on vines that have to run, bloom, then the clusters of grapes began to grow. that is a process. the vine is alive WHILE the...
  14. G

    Not By Works

    go find an apple tree that is about is tall as you are. bring it home, plant it. wait 1 full calendar year. see how many apples you will have. * hint- you will not need a bucket.
  15. G

    Not By Works

    so, after many days, all of a sudden, now you claim that you are referring to one specific piece of Scripture. ya think you could have mentioned this days ago. or you just moved the goalpost, ( which you did, while accusing me of doing it,)
  16. G

    Not By Works

    you too. buy a tomato plant, watch it grow. you will learn something.
  17. G

    Not By Works

    I see. I guess you are referring to the parable of the sower that Jesus told. I am speaking of the N.T. theme that believers are to bear fruit. I also see your argument tactics- accusing me of moving the goalpost where, in reality, you just out of the blue started shouting " parable , making...
  18. G

    Not By Works

    I have said since day 1 of our back and fourth that it does not matter how long it takes to bear fruit, as long as it comes. you keep obsessing over how long. only judgemnetal people like you care about things like that,
  19. G

    Not By Works

    so, explaining how grapes. which were a staple of that area, grow, is " moving the goal post". o.k. this whole back and fourth is about how long ( not that it matters, it only matters to judgers like you), It takes to produce fruit. and actually explaining how fruit grows is bad, amazing.
  20. G

    Not By Works

    Israel was an agricultural society. they understood , as I do, if you plant a grape vine this week, you ain't gonna have grapes next week. it does not mean anything is wrong with the seed, it just takes time for the growing vine to break through the ground, spread out runners, bloom, and grow...