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  1. Lynx

    Why are you single?

    I'm single because I haven't met a girl who will ask me out yet. And I'm too lazy to ask her out.
  2. Lynx

    Chomping At the Bit! (Any Thoughts on Bitcoin?)

    I can, but I'm not. Nope nope nope nope.
  3. Lynx

    Why are you single?

    *Lynx peers over the edge of his perch, throws a chocolate truffle at jacko and goes back to sleep.
  4. Lynx

    More layers or more heat?

    I just turned the heat on! I'm usually defaulting to cover up rather than crank it up. Not because I am a skinflint, but because I just don't see the point in wasting a lot of heat when I could just trap what I am generating. But tonight I finally turned the heat on... Because it's supposed...
  5. Lynx

    Why are you single?

    Indolence. I just haven't bothered trying to find somebody. Apathy. I just haven't cared enough to go looking for somebody. Self-sufficiency. I know how to cook. I know how to clean. I know how to do my laundry. I don't need no woman. :p But mostly I'm just lazy.
  6. Lynx

    Chomping At the Bit! (Any Thoughts on Bitcoin?)

    When that ponzi scheme collapses, you don't have to be a player to lose. Just ask all the old guys who were selling apples on the sidewalk in the 1930s.
  7. Lynx

    Christmas Traditions

    I'm on lunch break, with people around. I will listen to them when I get home tonight.
  8. Lynx

    Christmas Traditions

    Where they really come from: A tradition is anything a boomer has done twice.
  9. Lynx

    Are Casseroles a Crime Against Humanity?

    Depends on the casserole. Depends on who made it. Certain casseroles from certain people never last very long at church dinners here. We know who made them and we know they are good. The problem with good casseroles is, too many people know who made them and that they are good. There's never...
  10. Lynx

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    What? You thought companies were giving people discounts in phone apps for free? Out of the goodness of their corporate hearts? They definitely profit from it.
  11. Lynx

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Jackie ain't wrong...
  12. Lynx

    Chomping At the Bit! (Any Thoughts on Bitcoin?)

    It is the Linux of currency, regulated by the community. Or at least by a massive community of computers all over the world. That is where the analogy ends. It certainly ain't free like Linux.
  13. Lynx

    Are Casseroles a Crime Against Humanity?

    From what I've heard, it's only a crime if you get caught.
  14. Lynx

    What are you looking in person?

    Shoot, if she doesn't have any empathy and doesn't believe in God we won't even make it to the first date. Don't need no list for that. I figure we will talk a lot and figure out the rest between us as we go. I've heard that's what dates are for. (Never been on one myself, but that's what I've...
  15. Lynx

    What are you looking in person?

    I dunno... This whole thing just feels like one of the quizzes My mother was always taking in that cosmo magazine she read. Or in more modern terms, those Facebook quizzes girls are always talking about. "I know you love me honey, and I swear I love you a lot! But I took this quiz online and...
  16. Lynx

    Welcome to the First CC White Elephant Gift Exchange! (All Are Invited to Play!)

    I just use two fingernails, like my father and my father's father before me. I will take that popper and use it as a linchpin in some machine someday. In its place I leave an empty Styrofoam clamshell container. I just ate lunch, you see...
  17. Lynx

    Christmas Traditions

    You unplug it sometimes? I thought you left it plugged in 24/7.
  18. Lynx

    I Wasn't Really Feeling That Old, Until... (What Makes You Feel Old?)

    Once upon a time at w*rk there was a new kid who was doing something very wrong, something that would make customers sick. When I tried to correct him on this, he gave me back talk to the effect that no managers had told him this. I said we can fix that, and went off to get a manager. (I am paid...
  19. Lynx

    Chomping At the Bit! (Any Thoughts on Bitcoin?)

    Ask my late pastor's wife said, he who tooteth his own horn, it shall be tooted. :cool:
  20. Lynx

    Christmas Traditions

    I'm not doing decorations this year, because I always did it grudgingly for Grandma and now she is gone. Bah humbug. Etc. They look nice on other people's houses, but not nice enough for me to bother with it myself. On Christmas Eve the family all gets together for finger foods and gift...