Search results

  1. Lynx

    What are you looking in person?

    Well I haven't met her yet, so I don't know. I may love her enough that I can overlook something like insistence on kids or no kids... or whatever she doesn't meet on my list. I will wait until I meet her, and then decide if debits outweight credits. What if I don't measure up to her list...
  2. Lynx


    I know better than to touch a woman's laundry. I will never do it the way she wants it done.
  3. Lynx

    What are you looking in person?

    If I make up a list, and I meet the perfect girl for me, but she does not fit something on this list that I made up, and I totally ignore her because she doesn't fit a list... That would be a tragedy.
  4. Lynx


    Never gonna give it up Never gonna put it down Never gonna turn around And desert it Never, ever, ever going to stop making bad parodies of songs to fit the current topic as a pun. Nope. Won't do it. She will just have to learn to live with it. What will your hypothetical future spouse...
  5. Lynx

    Welcome to the First CC White Elephant Gift Exchange! (All Are Invited to Play!)

    Correct! Frankenstein was the crazy guy who put a giant together out of spare parts. The giant remained nameless. But if he had a name, considering his constituency, it would probably be way too long to fit in the movie. His left arm would have a different name than his right hand.
  6. Lynx

    What are you looking in person?

    Beats me. If I ever find her, I'll let you know what she's like. Until I meet her, I have no idea.
  7. Lynx

    Welcome to the First CC White Elephant Gift Exchange! (All Are Invited to Play!)

    Yeah, right. Like you're going to make us believe that anybody has made you stay in the naughty chair for any appreciable length of time.
  8. Lynx

    Welcome to the First CC White Elephant Gift Exchange! (All Are Invited to Play!)

    Yeah. What he said. You knew what you were getting into.
  9. Lynx

    Welcome to the First CC White Elephant Gift Exchange! (All Are Invited to Play!)

    You are just bound and determined to push those soy flakes... Er, bacon bits. That stuff is consumable though, so you can't use it and still leave it for someone else. I mean, you can use half the bag and leave the other half, but if you use the whole bag... Nobody wants what you leave after...
  10. Lynx

    can you guys post something funny please?

    That's actually pretty cute. Somebody's crush must have just walked into the room.
  11. Lynx

    Hello everyone! I’m Sarah from NS Canada,

    Howdy and welcome to the Forum. I'm not from Canada, but howdy anyway.
  12. Lynx

    Welcome to the First CC White Elephant Gift Exchange! (All Are Invited to Play!)

    I will see your broken cyborg eye, and raise you one PS2 mouse. Good luck finding a computer to use it on. No, PS2 does not stand for PlayStation 2. PS2 mouse is the old kind with the green circular port.
  13. Lynx


    The announcer said the world may never know. Owl said three. I'm going with owl. The announcer is a shill. Go back and listen again. Different voice for the part about the world may never know. I'm still going with the owl. Three licks.
  14. Lynx


    Owl said three. That's good enough for me. Lick, lick, lick, chomp!
  15. Lynx

    Welcome to the First CC White Elephant Gift Exchange! (All Are Invited to Play!)

    Why would I leave a full toilet paper roll at a white elephant Christmas gift exchange? Full toilet paper rolls were worth more than their weight in gold, not so very long ago. The whole point of this gift exchange is to leave something worthless.
  16. Lynx


    True. But it sounded like there was a story behind this one. Now I may never know what the story is...
  17. Lynx

    Welcome to the First CC White Elephant Gift Exchange! (All Are Invited to Play!)

    Considering the conversation still going on in that other thread, a little secondhand mucus seems to be the least of our worries as far as bodily substances. *Lynx takes the grippers and leaves an empty toilet paper roll.
  18. Lynx


    *shrug You're the one who phrased it in a very blatantly confrontational manner. Now you are surprised that people ask questions about your question? The way you phrased it, I get the strong impression this happened to you personally. Defense is not necessary though. Nobody here signs...
  19. Lynx


    Syntax indicates it is a question, and technically it does have a question mark at the end... But it is definitely less a question and more a statement of how you feel about the matter, with a question mark stuck on the end.