Are you sure about that?
I'd suggest that a lot of the problems in modern "Western" nations are due, in part, to the fact that many Christians do follow corrupt, lying politicians instead of following biblically sound ethics and worldview.
I've been here far longer than you, you know nothing about me, and you have the gall to accuse me of having a satanic spirit instead of simply answer my request for scriptural evidence, and you think I should leave this site? Give your head a shake. Until you apologize for your completely...
Your approach is consistent with that of folks who teach all manner of false doctrines: they refuse to deal with the Scriptures that contradict their pet heresies.
I understand what you're saying. Generally I agree with you, though I disagree that we are in the age of "that which is perfect has come". I think the amount of discord on this site is clear evidence that we aren't there yet. ;)
This can only be done when grapes are in season (which is a narrow window). I guess you're stuck drinking either water or wine the rest of the year, because the juice will ferment.
This has nothing to do with "feeling threatened". It has everything to do with people (including you) displaying distinctly unChristian behaviour (or defending it) and refusing to take ownership of it.