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  1. Dino246

    Pre trib doctrine REPEAT OF of the 12 spies

    Amidst all the yelling and additions to the text of Scripture, I still see no connection whatsoever between the 12 spies and the "pre-trib rapture".
  2. Dino246

    Christian tithing was started by the Roman Catholic Church

    Acts 5:3-5 Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? 4 Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your...
  3. Dino246

    Christian tithing was started by the Roman Catholic Church

    I didn't say "singular" anywhere. "The text" means both that passage as well as the text of Scripture. Try your demeaning jackdonkey attitude on someone who is impressed by meaningless braying. I'm not. One does not rightly build doctrine on inference, but on the actual text. While I agree...
  4. Dino246

    Christian tithing was started by the Roman Catholic Church

    Will you erroneously conflate tithing and giving? Do you see any opponent of tithing oppose financial support of Christian ministers? Not likely.
  5. Dino246

    Christian tithing was started by the Roman Catholic Church

    The story of Ananias and Sapphira has absolutely nothing to do with tithing.
  6. Dino246

    Christian tithing was started by the Roman Catholic Church

    The text contains no such "inference"; that's called eisegesis. Wrong. The priesthood of Melchizedek is compared (and elevated above) the priesthood of Levi. Christ is of the priesthood of Melchizedek. That's it, that's all. The text simply does not support--at all--the idea that Christians are...
  7. Dino246

    Top Ten fiction books/Novels

    The Black Rose (Thomas Costain) The Foundation Trilogy (Isaac Asimov) The Narnia Chronicles (C.S. Lewis) I think that's ten....
  8. Dino246

    Christian tithing was started by the Roman Catholic Church

    Which has nothing to do with "tithing". Fallacious (and irrelevant) appeal to emotion. Which has nothing to do with "tithing". It's unfortunate that you have confused giving with tithing. They are not the same thing prior to the Law, they are not the same thing under the law, and they are not...
  9. Dino246

    Christian tithing was started by the Roman Catholic Church

    No, it didn't... not as a requirement. If you actually take the time to read your Bible, you will see that Abram gave Melchizedek a tithe of war spoils. He was not under any requirement to give anything, and he gave nothing of his own. If you actually take the time to read your Bible, you...
  10. Dino246

    can you guys post something funny please?

    That’s physics for you. If a person did that, it would be called self-defense.
  11. Dino246

    Pre trib doctrine REPEAT OF of the 12 spies

    So... where's the pre-trib angle?
  12. Dino246

    Ezekiel 28:13-15.....proof text that the "gap theory" is unbiblical.

    You read a whole lot into my post that isn't actually there. If you have comments about what I did write, I'll be happy to respond further.
  13. Dino246

    Ezekiel 28:13-15.....proof text that the "gap theory" is unbiblical.

    There is more to the startlight travel time issue. If God stretched out the heavens, the light from distant stars could still reach observers on Earth within hours. This is explained through relativity. Also, we cannot measure the one-way speed of light. Either provides a scientifically valid...
  14. Dino246

    Life hacks

    Bags? The local supermarket doesn't have bags anymore... not that I need them. I use bins. The store got wise and brought in a special order of bins with their logo, but a different colour to the ones in store.
  15. Dino246

    Watching Church Services Online

    An' we're still trying to get that log out... ;)
  16. Dino246

    How long is a "day" in God's realm?

    I thank you for your efforts, but I did not ask for your explanation, and I do not agree with it, and do not accept its validity.
  17. Dino246

    How long is a "day" in God's realm?

    I don't agree. I don't see anything in Scripture to support that idea.
  18. Dino246

    Must one believe that Jesus is God in order to be saved?

    I agree: the full gospel does include the incarnation of God in human form. However, not all of us were blessed to be taught the full gospel before accepting Christ as saviour.
  19. Dino246

    Is it LAWFUL to kill animals?

    Your position has been refuted repeatedly. Your unwillingness to accept it is not my problem.