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  1. Dino246

    Justified/Saved by Faith & Faith Alone

    Agreed... but who is claiming that it is that? No, repentance is acknowledging that you have sinned against God, and choosing to avoid that sin in the future. "Works" are a manifestation of the faith already present, not of repentance. You have "faith" and "repentance" mixed up, so your...
  2. Dino246

    Justified/Saved by Faith & Faith Alone

    Um, no. "Sola scriptura" long-predates easy believism, and it had nothing to do with money or "getting people into church". People don't want to come to church to hear falsehood. Repentance is hard because it undermines pride. Jesus is the way. The broad road is for all those who reject Him...
  3. Dino246

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    The LAW is encompassed within the COVENANT, not the other way around. Read Exodus carefully... 19:5 Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. 24:7-8 Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read it to the people. They...
  4. Dino246

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    Hebrews 8:13 By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; OBSOLETE. It has been fulfilled. It is finished.
  5. Dino246

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    Exactly, and the law that governs the two parties to the covenant in Christ's blood is not that delivered through Moses on Sinai.
  6. Dino246

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    Hebrews 8:13 By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; The Sinai covenant is obsolete. We Christians are under a new covenant in Christ's blood.
  7. Dino246

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    Your comments are inconsistent with biblical teaching. Paul wrote in Galatians 3, "Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh? Have you...
  8. Dino246

    Leaving Egypt behind...or taking Egypt with you? (Exodus 13:17-17:16)

    "So ya wanna go back to Egypt, where it's warm and secure..." (Keith Green).
  9. Dino246

    Do you believe everything the Bible says?

    The comma after "therefore" is not necessary and neither adds to nor changes the meaning of the sentence.
  10. Dino246

    Excellence of speech, 1 Cor. 2:1, Not the speech of them that are puffed up, 1 Cor. 4:19, Plainness of speech, 2 Cor. 3:12,

    Well… that’s a mouthful of a thread title. Were you paid by the letter?
  11. Dino246

    Does belief in Jesus require someone to preach to you

    Yes, absolutely. Normally, we come to faith partly through hearing someone preach, but many people come to faith simply by reading, or even through simply testimony or even dreams.
  12. Dino246

    unclean animals? Are we Required to keep food laws under the new covenant?

    Ignore that last bit. The sentence where it appears is ambiguous anyway.
  13. Dino246

    unclean animals? Are we Required to keep food laws under the new covenant?

    Huh? Where do you get that hogwash? ... and the word is "were", not the contraction of "we are".
  14. Dino246

    Do you believe everything the Bible says?

    It's unfortunate that, in your case, devotion to the KJV has not resulted in right understanding of English grammar and usage. The word is "its". You might praise and exalt the "undiluted" English of the late 16th century, but you have no moral ground on which to stand when criticizing...
  15. Dino246

    Do you believe everything the Bible says?

    Can you show us where in the KJV you are commanded to handle the word of God correctly and accurately? Can you show us where in the KJV you are commanded to be diligent and eager to present yourself to God as one approved? Don't be ridiculous.
  16. Dino246

    Why is the church so accepting of divorce and remarriage?

    Yeah... we all know the Law is really good at condemning people. Obviously you aren't a pastor who has sat and cried with the abused wife or the legally-scammed husband. When you develop some compassion, come back and revisit this topic.
  17. Dino246

    Why is the church so accepting of divorce and remarriage?

    How do you propose that young people learn, if they are effectively forbidden from discussing the subject with anyone?
  18. Dino246

    Do you believe everything the Bible says?

    Wow... your devotion to your cult even extends to inventing hypothetical futures to justify the text. You have been hovering on the edge of credibility for some time, but you just took a flying leap off it. I will no longer consider what you share on this subject to have any evidentiary value...
  19. Dino246

    Why is the church so accepting of divorce and remarriage?

    Agreed. It's insensitive. Unfortunately, it's also valid. However, you might want to keep these verses in your pocket for such occasions: Luke 6:24 “But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort. James 1:10 But the rich should take pride in their humiliation—since...
  20. Dino246

    Why is the church so accepting of divorce and remarriage?

    Do you realize that when Christians tell you (as a single) that even thinking about sex is sinful, they are wrong? Now could you stop harping about that already?