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  1. Ahwatukee

    The Millennium is a Pharisee Doctrine

    I'm doing no such thing! In the very first verse in the book of Revelation, it is stated that God gave it to Jesus, who sent His angel to show us the things which must take place in quickness. Jesus does not refute His own word. Anyone who claims so has either been deceived by false teachings...
  2. Ahwatukee

    Life after death.

    Agreed! Everlasting fire, though prepared for Satan and his angels, will also be the place of punishment for the unsaved. Those who are cast into it will exist forever, which is the meaning behind everlasting fire. For scripture does not teach annihilation or extinction.
  3. Ahwatukee

    The Millennium is a Pharisee Doctrine

    Actually, the OP is attempting to claim that the millennial is not biblical. That it was doctrine of the Pharisees, which is completely false.
  4. Ahwatukee

    The Millennium is a Pharisee Doctrine

    Agreed, writings such as: The wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the goat; the calf and young lion and fatling will be together, and a little child will lead them. The cow will graze with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat...
  5. Ahwatukee

    The Millennium is a Pharisee Doctrine

    To the orignial poster: The book of Revelation is not a doctrine of the Pharisees, but was given by God the Father: "This is the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants what must soon come to pass. He made it known by sending His angel to His servant John, who...
  6. Ahwatukee

    Life after death.

    "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." apollumi/Perish: to incur the loss of true or eternal life; to be delivered up to eternal misery:
  7. Ahwatukee

    Life after death.

    You need to consider the whole word of God in order to come to a right conclusion. Below is Satan's fate: And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, into which the beast and the false prophet had already been thrown. There they will be tormented day and...
  8. Ahwatukee

    Life after death.

    So much for "everlasting fire!" The inference of "everlasting fire" is aimed at those who will end up in it. If people were burned up on contact, once the last person was thrown in, there would no longer be any reason to keep the fire going. The separation from God and the torment in flame is...
  9. Ahwatukee

    Life after death.

    That's exactly what it says and means! They shall be tormented day and night. And the smoke of their torment will rise up forever and ever. This is exactly what is going to happen. All your attempting to do is distort the plain meaning of what is being said. Think about a resurrected body that...
  10. Ahwatukee

    Life after death.

    Remember, the reference to "ashes" is referring to the body, not the spirit. Both the righteous and the wicked will receive resurrected bodies, albeit for the wicked they will be bodies mete for their punishment.
  11. Ahwatukee

    Life after death.

    Hello Bud62! What you have stated is not true. Compare the two scriptures below: "When He got into the boat, His disciples followed Him. Suddenly a violent storm came up on the sea, so that the boat was engulfed by the waves; but Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke Him, saying...
  12. Ahwatukee

    A vision for my Singleness (addressing fellow singles and the non-single married people)

    Amen! I also have come to that same place. I only wish that I could have done it from the beginning.
  13. Ahwatukee

    Why was the Rich man in Hades?

    Hello watchman! Abraham and Lazarus were not in the heavenly realms. The scripture specifically states, that the angels came and took Lazaruz (his spirit) to be at Abraham's side. Therefore, the fact that the rich man could see and speak with Abraham demonstrates that they were in the same...
  14. Ahwatukee

    Eternal Life, Life eternal

    Not that it needs to be said, but Life eternal and eternal life are the same thing, just as Christ Jesus is the same as Jesus Christ, or the lake that burns with sulfur is the same as the lake of fire, or the book of life belonging to the Lamb is the same as the book of life. The point is that...
  15. Ahwatukee

    Hi, I am new here!

    Greetings in Christ and Welcome, amerli250!
  16. Ahwatukee

    Christ is God

    " and the Word was God" Can you read and understand this? Will you continue to refute all of the scriptures which state that Jesus is God? Only God who alone is Holy could pay the penalty for mankind's sins. By saying that Jesus is not God, you are saying that He is a created being, like an...
  17. Ahwatukee

    Eternal Life, Life eternal

    "And many who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to everlasting life, but others to shame and everlasting contempt." The reference to "will awake" is referring to the body that is asleep and will awake (resurrect). Below, Paul speaks about the same event: "and I have the same hope...
  18. Ahwatukee

    Christ is God

    First of all, I don't know why you are going on about the Trinity. This is about the fact that Jesus is God, as the John 1:1 clearly states: "In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God ad the Word was God. Even God the Father refers to Jesus as God...
  19. Ahwatukee

    Christ is God

    Emmanuel in Isa.8:8 also means "God with us." Below is Isa.7:14 "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and she will call Him Immanuel." The virgin will be with child = Mary The child Mary gave birth to = Jesus...