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  1. Dude653


    Trump is largely a con artist. He's an opportunist you will jump on whatever bandwagon is advantageous at the time
  2. Dude653


    Yes I didn't vote for Trump in either election but part of the key to his appeal was that he was a pushback against the wokeness of the left. But on the other hand some people will call Democrats perverts etc while voting for a pervert who bragged about grabbing women's genitals and bragged...
  3. Dude653

    Why most marriages won’t work?

    My wife drew a disability check because of her health condition but most of her money went to support her grown daughter who would never hold a job Or other daughter has always been a hard worker so I didn't really have any problems
  4. Dude653


    I'm not going to say that all Trump supporters are tin foil hat crazy but there is definitely a correlation between Trump and tin foil hat craziness like q anon The people who think there's a couple of child raping cannibals running the world One of my favorite podcasters, Sam Harris said...
  5. Dude653

    A closer look at the rights of public platforms to censor posts

    I have almost completed my Facebook jail sentence. 6 days left
  6. Dude653

    Programming....Predictive Programming

    I've covered this on other threads but the reason China will never face any accountability for anything is that America and other countries can buy stuff for them cheaper because they pay their laborers almost nothing America buys pretty much everything from China so cutting them off would hurt...
  7. Dude653

    Why most marriages won’t work?

    Also as I mentioned before, I think sometimes once people marry and live together, they realize they're not compatible.
  8. Dude653

    Why most marriages won’t work?

    Money is another issue while marriage is not work, especially when one person is frivolous with money
  9. Dude653

    Why most marriages won’t work?

    Another reason in my opinion that marriage is fail is lack of communication. I remember my wife would just talk over me until I got exasperated and gave up and then she would complain that there's no communication
  10. Dude653

    Why most marriages won’t work?

    Well he was a guest speaker and some of the gas speakers we used to have in my opinion were charlatans as you mentioned I remember we were in a week-long revival and this one guest speaker didn't do anything but yeah for an entire hour. I didn't bother going back to hear him again
  11. Dude653

    electric cars

    I plan to buy an e-bike soon to ride back and forth to work 2 miles to work and they will do about 20 miles an hour
  12. Dude653

    electric cars

    There is an obesity problem in America but I believe part of that is because unhealthy food is cheaper. I guess the problem with electric cars is it creates more problems than it fixes with all the strain on electrical grids
  13. Dude653

    Trump or DeSantis

    I won't be voting for either one of them but at least the Desantis doesn't speak like he has a third grade literacy level or brag about how hot his own daughter is
  14. Dude653

    The 'good old days' of well-loved hymns are gone? What's your take on this?

    It depends on what church you're attending. Some Churches like to sing the old hymns and some Churches like to go with more contemporary music
  15. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    Also this still doesn't address the issues I brought up earlier. It's not that planned Parenthood is specifically targeting African American communities it's just you see more abortions and African-American communities do to poverty which is largely a result of generations of systemic racism
  16. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    Okay but it still not even remotely comparable to the Holocaust
  17. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    Disney? I thought the narrative was that Disney was supposed to be turning kids gay. So how was that making them get pregnant? Also sex drive comes from hormones because it's a built-in biological function. Doesn't matter what you're watching on TV
  18. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    Where are you getting this 80%? That sounds like pure speculation I think trading teenagers like prisoners is a knee jerk reaction
  19. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    Also getting rid of coed schools is not really a solution either because they're still going to socialize on social media and meet up after school So that would be kind of pointless
  20. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    Because if she is forced to carry the baby the term that is forcing her to have a baby she can't afford But like I said if we encourage contraception maybe we will see fewer pregnancies