No a person doesn't need to be a judge to know what the Constitution says.
Christians in America just have a persecution complex and think someone else gaining something takes something away from them.
When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression
Disclaimer, Sam drops a couple f bombs in this one but he covered this on the latest episode of Making Sense
Apparently this guy had everyone fooled thinking he was a good guy donating to charity and stuff and the whole time he was a fraud
Some people think aliens built the pyramids but I think it's a little silly that aliens would figure out how to travel billions of light years across the Galaxy just to show people how to stack rocks in the desert
I just looked it up and none of what you're saying here is true.
All this bill does is federally protect same-sex marriages there's nothing in it that says churches have to perform same-sex
So you're freaking out about a non-existent problem
China was a problem long before biden. Even though I'm not a trump fan he was talking about this 30 years ago.
This is what happens when a country sells out to china. We could sanction them but it would hurt us worse than it would hurt them
That's assuming someone is going to be willing to even do that. Imagine you're the guy who's told to launch the missiles. You know as soon as you hit that button, you're going to die in about 5 minutes. Are you going to hit that button?