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  1. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    The only thing that can really be done about access to pornography is for parents to put blocks on adult contents on their kids devices Segregating students between boys and girls seems a bit extreme And before anyone strong hands me, I'm not encouraging promiscuous behavior but what I am saying...
  2. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    But let's just be realistic here abstinence only is not something that's going to happen in reality so I think the best we can do is encourage contraception which is usually free at the health department
  3. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    Ok.. but I don't see how forcing mothers to have babies they can't afford helps either
  4. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    No one is being forcefully sterilized in america. That's not happening... they may have been happening in the 50s and 60s but it's not happening now so it's irrelevant Also for the 15 millionth time, no woman in America is being forced to abort her child so the genociding black people argument...
  5. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    How does not having children you can't afford increase poverty? I don't see it
  6. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    So maybe if we can lower poverty rates you might see abortion numbers decrease also? Since there seems to be a correlation between poverty and abortions
  7. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    It's a quite silly argument in my opinion
  8. Dude653

    The plan to destroy America

    Yes but don't teachers have to teach the required State curriculum or be fired?
  9. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    You may be on to something there but like I said. It's a more nuanced problems than just planned Parenthood is allegedly trying to genocide black people Like I said, Margaret Sandra has been deceased for 60 years and it's not the same organization anymore Just like today's Germans are not...
  10. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    So to recap my argument, abortion in African American communities is largely due to poverty which is more of a result of several hundred years of systemic racism and less about a woman who's been deceased for 60 years was doing
  11. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    Okay but that's not happening now. My point is it's a more nuanced problem than what your presenting The average black family has about 10 times less well than the average white family. As I mentioned earlier this goes all the way back to slavery and Jim Crow So you have a woman who was already...
  12. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    The reason you see higher abortion rates in African-American communities is poverty like I mentioned before A lot of this is due to generation of wealth gaps that go all the way back to slavery and Jim Crow that maybe that's a different topic
  13. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    Back to the topic of abortion. I kind of feel like my opinion on what a woman does with her uterus is irrelevant but the Holocaust was Hitler trying to eradicate an entire race of people and even if Margaret sanger was racist and hated black people, no one is forcing black women to abort their...
  14. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    If I misrepresented your argument then I will concede but you're still wrong about the Dick Cheney thing
  15. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    Ok.. I will concede that I misrepresented your argument on that one You're still wrong about the Dick Cheney thing
  16. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    So anyway back to the original topic of abortions Even if Sanger was racist, as I already mentioned, she's been deceased for over 60 years so unless her ghost is forcing African-American women to have abortions then I don't see the relevance Divine knowledge no woman in America has been forced...
  17. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    This one.... If I am straw Manning concede. So for clarification, a wake up call about what?
  18. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    You talked about abortions in China and something about America has become like the rest of the world and then 9/11 was hey wake up call So maybe a little clarification? I wake up call about what? If I was wrong about that I will concede However you did say Dick Cheney did 911 and it wasn't...
  19. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    Yeah. Remember when they killed those kenyan college students for being christian?
  20. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    You said Dick Cheney did it and America didn't bother to investigate That's lie You also said it was a "wake up call" because America isn't being Christian enough or some such nonsense It happened because there are people who think all Americans deserve to die for being infidels. Everything else...