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  1. Aerials1978

    Can One’s Salvation Be Given Up?

    Wouldn’t you come to the conclusion from those verses that there is a possibility that a person can forfeit salvation? If one accepts salvation can’t one reject it as well?
  2. Aerials1978

    What did Jesus Look Like?

    I’m going to go out on a limb and say Jesus looked like a 1st century middle eastern Jew.
  3. Aerials1978

    New member looking for friends and support.

    Hello and welcome! Going through a separation is very emotionally and physically painful. I truly wish no one would have to go through that. You will find some very mature Christians here that have endured and came through exactly what you are experiencing. Having fellowship with those that seek...
  4. Aerials1978

    Can One’s Salvation Be Given Up?

    I am not asking this question from a theological perspective, but instead from a matter of fact. I tend to lean towards yes, one can “Give up” their salvation. Scripture states that salvation cannot be take from a believer, but there are passages that indicate that a person can essentially...
  5. Aerials1978

    Ask and It Shall Be Given - Seek and Ye Shall Find

    I’m very reluctant to believe the testimonies of any new Apostolic movement. Once the “Speaking in tongues” is interjected I call into question the validity of the claim. We have the Bible as God’s given revelation for man already.
  6. Aerials1978

    Same Power: Acoustic

  7. Aerials1978

    Interfaith Marriage

    I would say if you truly feel convicted that your wife’s faith is of a different gospel, stand firm in it. Let her see by your love, compassion, and reasoning that God is working His ways in you. One thing I can say for certain is the Lord leads those to Him that seek truth. You cannot charge...
  8. Aerials1978

    new to this please help

    Spiritual warfare is a continuous unseen force that occurs all the time. I was oppressed beginning when I was a child. There are many ways unclean spirits attack. Unfortunately since this world is Satans dominion(For a short time) children are not immune from him. Do specific spirits target...
  9. Aerials1978

    When God slays, is that immoral? Dr Frank Turek answers

    Then he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. Mark 2:27
  10. Aerials1978

    Sex! The Religion of America?

    Unfortunately I too have seen and experienced “Busy Bodies” in the pews. Clicks can form and there can be that us against them mentality. This should not be occurring but it does. I for one am in favor of rebuking when these actions are apparent. With love of course which not always easy to do...
  11. Aerials1978

    Christ is God

    I rest my case
  12. Aerials1978

    Christ is God

    Sorry, this has become boring. I was hoping that you would have take a new approach instead of being repetitive. Unfortunately this is not the case.
  13. Aerials1978

    Christ is God

    Ha ha ha. You’re baiting skills need some sharping.
  14. Aerials1978

    Christ is God

    I don’t have a problem. I just want to see what the next non-sensical post will be. I actually like you. You make me laugh.
  15. Aerials1978

    Christ is God

    Ohhh. That makes sense
  16. Aerials1978

    Christ is God

    Another non-answer. I hope you’re getting your entertainment value out of all this because I sure am. It’s funny and sad at the same time.
  17. Aerials1978

    Christ is God

    Why trust that verse?
  18. Aerials1978

    Christ is God

    Explain the passages. Obviously none of us have this keen insight as you do.
  19. Aerials1978

    Christ is God

    I don’t why I’m jumping into your vortex again. Also, I don’t think you have been attacked. If you have it’s because you have been pretty obnoxious. Since you keep referring to John 12:47-50, you need to state what those verses mean. The burden of proof is on YOU since YOU are the one making...
  20. Aerials1978

    Christ is God
