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  1. L

    adoption by God

    Why then is the creature waiting earnestly for God's children to be manifest, if we are already God's children?Romans 8:19 Romans 8:19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
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    adoption by God

    Romans 8:15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. While I recognize having received the spirit of adoption as indicated in Romans 8:15; Paul nevertheless, in Romans 8:23 clearly indicates our...
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    adoption by God

    In Romans 8:23 Paul describes how the Christian body (the church in whole) was awaiting adoption by the Lord to be called the children of God. As such, how is it that today most Christian ministries believe and preach that once we accept Jesus as Lord, we are then instantly Gods children...
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    Romans 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
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    What's Your Order?

    A lot of the data in OT books you will find in other OT books as well as in NT books. They correlate, corroborate, and add more information to each other. A basic example of this is the ten horned beast in Daniel 7 appears in Revelation 13, but with the added description having 7 heads. You...
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    Temple of God - Christians or a physical building in Jerusalem?

    As Jesus is God's Son, and God is Love (1 John 4:7-8 & 16); anyone and everyone throughout the world who loved their neighbor had Christ's body within themselves, and were known by Him. 1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God...
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    Why Jesus is NOT coming soon

    I am not a pretribber. In fact I believe the rapture where the faithful are caught up to God, to be spiritual in nature, and not one where the faithful will be whisked up to heaven having departed the earth. The devil on the earth going to wage war with the woman's offspring (Revelation 12:17)...
  8. L

    Millions already chipped! RFID 666 Mark of the Beast Technology (AVOID IT!)

    In Daniel 7:8 we see a little horn emerge from the beast with 10 horns. In this little horn is a mouth speaking great things In Revelation 13:5 we see the ten horned beast given a mouth speaking great things. I then put one and one together and realize the beast's mouth speaking great things is...
  9. L

    Temple of God - Christians or a physical building in Jerusalem?

    When I read the book of Ezekiel, it appears to me as there are two different authors; one author for the first 39 chapters describing things relevant and spiritual, and a 2nd author in chapters 40-48 describing architecture.
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    Millions already chipped! RFID 666 Mark of the Beast Technology (AVOID IT!)

    One thing that is known about the second beast is that he is a narcissist as he will want to see his name or number of his name plastered on everyone's hand or forehead (Revelation 13:17). This narcissism correlates with the little horn in Daniel 8:25; the king in Daniel 11:36-37, who magnifies...
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    Temple of God - Christians or a physical building in Jerusalem?

    Do some actually believe there was no spiritual body of Christ within people prior to Pentecost?
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    Why Jesus is NOT coming soon

    Many scriptures indicate the Lord will return when His church is made clean. How His church is made clean is through the tribulation.Dan 11:35 This tribulation is also referred to as when the Lord shakes the earth, so that all the things made (false claimers to the faith) may be shaken out...
  13. L

    Do you hear God speak to you?

    I agree that we hear the Lord through His Word in the bible. I've stated as much in my first post #6 on this thread.
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    Do you hear God speak to you?

    I agree with the Lord also taking care of our physical needs, as the Lord attests to this in Matthew 6:31-32. I, however, do not believe in the money hungry prosperity movement, which is another way than the Lords Way. Matthew 6:31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What...
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    Predestination or free wiil.

    Did not man in the garden choose to disobey the Lord and eat from the tree of knowledge?
  16. L

    Do you hear God speak to you?

    Calculating can mean more than simple mathematical summation. When we hear the devils false illumination, we calculate the benefit of the action to be undertaken. When people covet, they do it for the carnal benefit they will receive. In contrast when we hear and choose the Lords illumination...
  17. L

    Temple of God - Christians or a physical building in Jerusalem?

    In Ezekiel 8 & 9, the temple, and its courts are defiled by the residents of Jerusalem. By the North gate of the temple the women are crying for the goddess Tammuz, and by the east gate of the temple the men are facing east and worshiping the sun. Realizing these descriptions are metaphors for...
  18. L

    Temple of God - Christians or a physical building in Jerusalem?

    shewing: He will shew/see himself as love, being that he will have the whole faithless world in love with him and his system (Revelation 13:8). Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the...
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    Temple of God - Christians or a physical building in Jerusalem?

    My KJV version, says: "shewing himself that he is God." As God is love; the Antichrist shewing himself that he is God/love represents him recognizing his system that will have the whole faithless world in love with it, including a place (sitting) in the hearts of the faithful/the Lords temple...
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    Do you hear God speak to you?

    The more you and others overcome their carnal inclinations, the more clear the Lord's voice/illumination becomes, while the devil's voice/false illumination diminishes.