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  1. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    A sad day indeed when we have to consider these actions against fellow countrymen.
  2. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    Due to the international nature of the riots, I'm convinced this all has more to do with lockdown boredom and Far Left activism than it does with any particular American social issue.
  3. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    This is totally irresponsible. Don't they know they're supposed to be social distancing? Are they wearing masks?! Where are the Karens of the world when you need them to impose draconian public order measures?
  4. Desdichado

    Hello from Matt Slick

    Good point. *Isn't historically protected. Fixed.
  5. Desdichado

    Hello from Matt Slick

    I'm in favor of allowing states to outlaw witchcraft here in the US. It isn't really a protected faith.
  6. Desdichado

    Hello from Matt Slick

    Welcome! I checked out your site at @MegMarch's recommendation. Solid work. Glad to have you around. Yeah, the forum is where it's at.
  7. Desdichado

    Democratic governors, COVID-19 deaths, and lockdown tyranny

    Oh come now. We both know there is more to the argument than that.
  8. Desdichado

    Out of curiosity... from Australia :)

    Trump is one of the finest Presidents we've had since WWII.
  9. Desdichado

    Churches are to be classified as essential.

    Well given your heretical ecclesiology, I can see why you would see it as a serviceable substitute.
  10. Desdichado

    Churches are to be classified as essential.

    It's great the President values religious freedom. It would also be nice if he respected state sovereignty even if he disagrees with what the state is up to. I'm torn.
  11. Desdichado

    Churches are to be classified as essential.

    Evidently your quiet time doesn't include most of the New Testament.
  12. Desdichado

    Democratic governors, COVID-19 deaths, and lockdown tyranny

    Yes, but our love for constitutional rights and, before that, our rights as Englishmen has also motivated national unification and a great many good things (freeing the slaves among them). It's not dissimilar from what Britain has down for crown and country. Good and ill.
  13. Desdichado

    DOJ Drops Case Against Micheal Flynn/ Dallas Hairdresser Freed

    See I agree with you pretty often, but I think an Executive Order would be continuing a dangerous precedent. This is more Governor Abbot's ballpark.
  14. Desdichado

    DOJ Drops Case Against Micheal Flynn/ Dallas Hairdresser Freed

    A host of other factors are in play here- accuracy of reporting from China (if you believe the CCP's numbers, I have some property in the Everglades I'd love to sell you). America's strange but overall successful healthcare system keeping people alive with enfeebling conditions such as...
  15. Desdichado

    DOJ Drops Case Against Micheal Flynn/ Dallas Hairdresser Freed

    Or Dallas should just lift the lockdown.
  16. Desdichado

    DOJ Drops Case Against Micheal Flynn/ Dallas Hairdresser Freed

    I hope Gen. Flynn is readmitted into the administration and shows some real thymos.
  17. Desdichado

    The Imperial College as guilty as China

    The real question is why leaders took this model so seriously so quickly.
  18. Desdichado

    Complimentarianism vs Egalitarianism - Role of Women in the Church?

    I'm merely acknowledging the existence of idiots, not calling anybody or groups of people idiots.
  19. Desdichado

    Complimentarianism vs Egalitarianism - Role of Women in the Church?

    It's okay to agree with idiots as long as you have better reasons than they do.