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  1. Desdichado

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    A judge ordered the statue to stay. It's ironic. Southerners trusted popular sovereignty over judicial fiat.
  2. Desdichado

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    Come to think of it, Confederate monuments were either erected by paid laborers or charitable craftsmen. Can they stay up now?
  3. Desdichado

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    Not all Egyptian structures were pyramids. You gave me a pretty wide criterion to work with.
  4. Desdichado

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    Many of the most important thinkers and leaders throughout human history owned slaves or fought to preserve a country that owned slaves (often from other countries which owned slaves, granted). If you want to be the blockhead who erases the Washington Monument, the Jefferson memorial, and...
  5. Desdichado

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    Statues are not necessarily celebratory and statues that were once celebratory sometimes become less celebratory with time and reflection. "White Supremacy" is a poor criterion. The meaning of the term changes every ten minutes. One day people use it to describe David Duke. The next, Abraham...
  6. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    I wonder if Donald Trump is going to crash land into Minneapolis and we'll have to call in Snake Plissken to bail him out.
  7. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    Minneapolis may learn order has a way of restoring itself, and a restored order is rarely a pretty one.
  8. Desdichado

    Georgia man murdered while jogging. Judge declines to press charges

    Maybe he's matured since High School.
  9. Desdichado

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    It doesn't make history disappear in a literal sense, but the destruction of a monument indeed impacts our memory of great events and people. It's also a physical demonstration of ignorance born of self-righteousness.
  10. Desdichado

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    But this whole discussion on Lee v. Hitler statues is a distraction from the main point- the criteria we use to erect a statue and/or keep a statue.
  11. Desdichado

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    You're missing or dodging a pretty important point here. The Holocaust was a campaign of extermination which was planned and operated by the elite of a revolutionary regime. Even the regular army generals in the Wehrmacht such as Erwin Rommel cannot be compared with Hitler's supreme evil on...
  12. Desdichado

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    Robert E. Lee did not primarily fight to keep the institution of slavery alive, but even if your syllogism is valid, it doesn't make him Hiter.
  13. Desdichado

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    That's interesting. Was Robert E. Lee responsible for the triangular trade and the establishment of chattel slavery in the American South? He must me older than I thought.
  14. Desdichado

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    This is ironic. You were the one harping on Kaylagirl for a false equivalency, yet you draw a parallel line between Hitler and Robert E. Lee in one thread and in another you submit a hypothetical where a doctor is committing malpractice the same way a police officer would.
  15. Desdichado

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    The kind humbled by historical perspective and able to appreciate loyalty, virtue, and genius.
  16. Desdichado

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    I have to clarify I'm not a Communist or admirer of the Soviet Union. Quite the opposite. The old Red monuments and busts which stand today are, in my mind, worth retaining precisely because they remind us of history's ugliest atrocities and the men behind them.
  17. Desdichado

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    What magical powers do people think sites like this have? Lenin's corpse still gets juiced up every eighteen months. That unbearably ugly tomb of his still stands. Yet the chances of Russia going Communist again are roughly the same as Lloyd Christmas ending up with Mary. Perhaps that old...
  18. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    Trump appears to be tearing this nation apart because he is the tribune of roughly half the country as the President before him was and the President after him will be. There are many ways to describe the cleavage within this country- An old constitution based on negative liberty to sustain a...
  19. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    I always thought this was a somewhat silly definition and totally out of step with history or the nature of spiritedness we, at times, need in our leaders. Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt first come to mind.
  20. Desdichado

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    Removing statues that have been up does not erase history, but it is often a reminder something is being forgotten or worse- deleted. America would be a better place if there were more monuments and museums. Even to the things that are not necessarily laudible but still important such as the...