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  1. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    I'll have to defend Tucker here. He's more of the President's gadfly. He's criticized Trump on multiple occasions, including the video Kalyagirl posted. I know a few Trump supporters who are totally done with him.
  2. Desdichado

    Georgia man murdered while jogging. Judge declines to press charges

    Equally important is what isn't seen when the camera flips out of focus. A lot can happen within a second that alters what we will make of this fact pattern. That's plain. Why did he decide to charge the man? Also plain, but again we have to ask the question why. Nope, it's a possibility...
  3. Desdichado

    Georgia man murdered while jogging. Judge declines to press charges

    The camera drifts out of focus in what is arguably the most important point. It doesn't give us a clear record of what was said either. If shotgun man pointed at him saying "you're dead meat," well then you have a valid case of somebody defending themselves. This very well could have happened...
  4. Desdichado

    Santa Monica Looting Rampage

    My man! It's a great one! The chorus is just too fitting for this thread.
  5. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    I really do worry we'll end up a totalitarian Leftist state or a Right-Wing autocracy. The Rightists people should be worried about are not morons on the street, however few, but the people who relish the idea of quelling these riots with mass violence. The Constitutional Republic so many...
  6. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    Tucker did a great job as always. A real gadfly.
  7. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    I jumped down that rabbit hole. The source of his link is BET. BET sourced Vice News a vice news article. Now BET and Vice both do us a service of pointing out how rioting and looting is being done by people of both races. The question is why- BET references Vice in saying it's Far-Right...
  8. Desdichado

    Georgia man murdered while jogging. Judge declines to press charges

    The TMZ clip is insufficient evidence of this. The armed man could have been attacking him before film rolled.
  9. Desdichado

    Georgia man murdered while jogging. Judge declines to press charges

    The TMZ clip is too late for anybody to say whether the kill was justified. Both parties did not act with wisdom.
  10. Desdichado

    Santa Monica Looting Rampage

    We could live beside the ocean Leave the fire behind Swim outside the breakers Watch the world die -Everclear, "Santa Monica"
  11. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    Between this and the church closings, I'm waiting for Governor Beshear to change his wardrobe to drab military-chic.
  12. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    I happen to agree, but that doesn't address my question.
  13. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    Does her comparison need to be perfectly equivalent to carry her point about injustice?
  14. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    Well for point one, it appears to be a report. Feel free to verify the facts through other reports. I trust Mac Donald enough not to. The second paragraph relies on Bureau of Justice Statistics.
  15. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    History also teaches that torching a Wendy's is an ineffective way to establish justice. Now, appealing to a lesser magistrate to break ties with Britain, levy a competent army, and secure alliances and loans from foreign powers. Yes.
  16. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    Interesting way to ask the question. I would like to see where you are going with it. She's more liberal on gay marriage and abortion.
  17. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    That's precisely the point. Police brutality spans the most prevalent racial groups in the United States (Black, White, and Latino). The problem is not one of particular "Social Justice", but of government growth and social atomization. If families and, subsequently, communities deteriorate...
  18. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    This is, by far, the best article I've read on the rash of riots. I don't think it goes far enough in explaining why it is an international phenomenon. Heather Mac Donald is one of the sharpest minds around. If only she came to her senses on the social issues.
  19. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    Alex Jones and 4Chan were more correct about Jeffrey Epstein than the news media. I'm not saying this to confer automatic credence to Alex Jones and 4Chain- far from it. Simply saying that the internet is just about as viable a vector for truth than "respectable" institutions such as the...
  20. Desdichado

    Riots in Minneapolis

    As they used to say- the issue is not the issue. Revolution is the issue.