Sure, if there was nothing special or spiritual about Jesus’s reply to Nathaniel, just one of Jesus’s off-handed neutral no-meaning replies. Like he said “Hey, saw you today.” Nathaniel should’ve just replied “Okay…”
So if it says God relented or changed His mind, then the Bible is false? I’m amazed that you would say “I don’t care if it says it in the Bible, it’s false” Jonah 3:10. Getting caught up in “if I’m the elect or not elect” is a trap of the enemy, especially when it causes you to stumble away from...
Didn’t you just go into a long thing about Jesus’ two natures, with one being fully God? And then you reply with that? C’mon man lol
You know Nathaniel immediately started to worship Him after He said that right?
I’m gonna say - the latter. Are you just making threads to make them? You know… you don’t have to make a thread out of everything that pops into your head. Just sayin
Obviously Ps 139:13 …knit me together in my mother’s womb.” The long and short of it is that the mother is the one who suffers. The rest is just trying to win an argument, which accomplishes nothing.
Good points, this might explain how he saw Nathaniel “under the fig tree, before Philip found you.” This would allude to the Father seeing/ hearing Nathaniel praying under the fig tree.
The disciples probably laid their hands on them individually maybe? Might’ve been hard to lay their hands on twelve guys all at once. Most people who receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit in a setting like this have the ministers lay hands on the individual person,