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  1. B

    Please give me your input!?

    Jesus is both God and the one and only Son of God. Remember John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." This verse is teaching that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God as in there are...
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    Acts 10:44-48 and water baptism

    Bumped for waggles to reply. :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
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    Is this for real

    As soon as I looked at the picture before even opening the video I said to my self this guy is probably a word of faith preacher. I then found this link. I find it ironic...
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    Acts 10:44-48 and water baptism

    After reading your opening post it appears your a oneness pentecostal. You also quoted Acts 10:44-48 which actually militates against your position as some have already posted. At Acts 10:45 it clearly states that they received the gift of the Holy Spirit first, before they were water baptized...
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    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    Well answer me this jaybird? Are Samuel or angels really "true" gods or not? Or at Psalm 82:6, are the men there who are identified as "theous" really true gods? I suggest you read 1 Corinthians 8:5-6. :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
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    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    The word "trinity" is not needed for salvation. Trinity is a word of "convience" to describe how God manifest Himself as three distinct divine persons. In other words, it is a "shorthand" way so referring to the one God as manifesting Himself as three persons. The word "monotheism" is not in the...
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    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    The following is what Greek Scholar A.T. Robertson stated, " Verse 28 My Lord and my God (ο κυριος μου και ο τεος μου — Ho kurios mou kai ho theos mou). Not exclamation, but address, the vocative case though the form of the nominative, a very common thing in the Koiné. Thomas was wholly...
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    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    No jaybird, as usual your wrong. I do not believe Trinitarianism is a REQIREMENT for salvation, it is the RESULT of salvation. Why? Because you cannot know Jesus and somehow miss the fact that he is God. You cannot have experienced the presense of the Holy Spirit of God and somehow miss that He...
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    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    Come on jaybird, what does that have to do with anything that at John 20:30-31 there is no mention of the Trinity? There's no mention of the Trinity by Thomas at John 20:28 when he declared that Jesus Christ was his "Lord and God." In the Greek Thomas literally said, "The Lord of me and the God...
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    What is the order of Melchizedek

    Since you said that Melchizedek is the person of Jesus Christ I suggest you read the following I just found. You should know I learned from the Scriptures that Melchizedek was not Jesus Christ well over 40...
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    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    No deade, you and I do not think alike. For example, you just said, " If a person is oneness or trinitarian, there are even dualizations: they can still have salvation if they have Jesus." What you don't understand that oneness pentecostals have a different Jesus than the one that the Bible...
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    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    No problem granny! When I saw it for the first time quite a few years ago I looked at it and to me it was a way to make me think about what the person posted. In other words, eek/eeks means to me, "I better pay attention to what is written," that's all. :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
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    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    Ok know! Being is defined as having existence. Such as an object, an idea, or a symbol, that exists. God exist, period. Person is all the qualities or attributes constituting one that exists; ones nature or essence, or personality. So there is only one being of God that exist, not three beings...
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    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    No, you mean God showed you how He is ONE being in three persons. When you say God is three beings it implies if not outright means God is three gods. :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  15. B

    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    No, your not wrong when you say, "that there are three and those three are ONE?" Where your wrong is when you attempt to explain the Trinity as 3 modes or roles. I'm a son, I'm a husband, and I'm a father becasue I have children and yet it's me, the same person. Secondly, God is ONE in nature...
  16. B

    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    Why are you taking this so personal? How in the world do you know that I "think everyone else that doesn't think like me is a heretical thinker or teacher?" I never said or even implied such a thing. Tell me, what did I say in my post that is not true? Your in the big leagues now and not messing...
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    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    Well, if as you say you understand what Modalism is please tell me if you agree with the following statement? "Jesus is the word, the God, the flesh, the Spirit, the man, the Father, the Son, the Alpha&Omega, the Lord God Almighty, He is all!" This statement is from a very staunch oneness...
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    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    I'm sorry to say epiales but your unknowingly promoting what is known as "Modalism" which the oneness pentecostals teach. It teaches that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are in different modes/roles or manifestations of the one God. The big problem with this error is that it denies the...
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    What is the order of Melchizedek

    Come on nehemiah, don't you think I know God the Father cannot be seen? Jesus Himself said so at John 5:37 and John 6:46. And Paul at 1 Timothy 6:16. Jesus Christ is the "ONE and ONLY" physical manifestation of God. And your statement, "He came sometimes as "the LORD God". He came sometimes as...
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    What is the order of Melchizedek

    It's rather obvious you don't know the Biblical "type" or "prefigure" works. A type is a person or thing or evenbt that resembles or personifies something that will come in the future. In other words, it helps the people become familiar with a person or idea before it actually comes on the...