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  1. B

    My Best Explanation for the Trinity. Thoughts?

    Actually epiales I have said hundredes of times that I do not believe trinitarianism is a "REQUIREMENT" for salvation. It is the "RESULT" of salvation because you cannot know Jesus and somehow miss the fact that He is God. You cannot have experienced the presense of the Holy Spirit of God and...
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    John 10:30

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    John 10:30

    Well it certaintly is true they are one in purpose but there is more to what Jesus said at John 10:30. It literally reads in the Greek, I and My Father "WE" are one." Like mailmandan stated, they are one in nature or essence. This is why the Jews wanted to stone Jesus at vs33 because Jesus was...
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    John 10:30

    In what respect are the Father and Son one according to the context? :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
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    Please give me your input!?

    Well jaybird Isaiah 44:24 says, "Thus says the Lord, your Redemer, and the one who formed you from the womb, I, the Lord, am the maker of ALL things, Stretching out the heavens ALL BY MYSELF, amd spreading out the earth ALL ALONE." Since this is true how come John 1:3 says, "All things came...
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    Please give me your input!?

    I will be happy to explain the revelance of the verses I presentd. Those verses are based on what you said here: G-d always existed...Christ did not. G-d created all...Christ did not. Christ was born of an earthly virgin mother......G-d was not. Christ gave His life on the cross to save all...
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    How did GOD define Jesus?

    Sorry about that, I'm responding to the question. I ususally put the name in my post but missed it this time. Carry on. :eek: IN GOD THE SON, BLUTO
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    How did GOD define Jesus?

    First of all the judges or Israel (Psalm 82:6) which you forgot to post, the angels, and Satan are not the real one and only God of the Bible. Moreover, it's apparent your not familar with what the Apostle Paul stated at 1 Corinthains 8:5-6, "For even if there are SO-CALLED gods whether in...
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    Please give me your input!?

    Well preston, how about John 1:1-3, Colossians 1:16-17, Hebrews 1:10 and Revelation 3:14. :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
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    Please give me your input!?

    The Jewish guy I debated (who btw knows Hebrew) never told me that "a" or "an" are not in their language. Even so the way they get out of it is by using the "Shaliah principle" or "The Law of Agency." In this case the angel of the Lord is the agent for God and the agent is fully empowered to...
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    Please give me your input!?

    Well I did listen to the video you supplied by Ariel Cohen Alloco but could not understand him. I also noticed he was talking about Exodus 23:20 which I already have marked in my Bible. As an interesting side note the first part of the verse says, "Behold, I am going to send "AN" angel before...
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    Please give me your input!?

    I did look up Ramban and as soon as I saw the word "Kabalah" it turned me off. Orthodox Jews will have nothing to do with this "mysticism" and occult knowledge trying to gain greater levels of being connected to God. But I will check them out to see how they reconcile their belief system with...
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    Please give me your input!?

    Well thank you moutaindude, I do know a little bit about this subject, actually I know a lot about it. And no, I do not know Ramban, do you have any references or sites I can check? Can you share a little of your presentation. :eek: IN THE ANGEL OF THE LORD, bluto
  14. B

    Please give me your input!?

    Actually the angel of the Lord you referenced at Joshua 5:14 is none other than the preincarnate Jesus Christ who appeared to Joshua in the form of a man The same is true when you referenced Exodus chapter 3 where He also appeared as a man. And yes, Jesus Christ did refer to Himself as God not...
  15. B

    Please give me your input!?

    You know question what you said in this post proves you must be in the Jw cult because you have on your mind Proverbs 8:22 and Revelation 3:14. These are the main verses you guys use to prove Jesus is a created being. So I have a question for you where I have never received a credible or even...
  16. B

    Please give me your input!?

    What a "cop" out questionmark. When you ask more questions like your doing it shows how Biblically ignorant you really are. Even still, I will answer your question. Gods nature is that of deity, i.e God. What is your nature? It would be human just like the rest of humanity is human. Gods nature...
  17. B

    Please give me your input!?

    The Trinity is totally logical based on the fact that God is "NOT" illogical although sometimes He is "a-logical" which means He goes beyond logic. Now, since Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God according to John 3:16 can you please give me an example of a son that does not share the...
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    Please give me your input!?

    First of all let me say jaybird I cannot believe in one of your later post you said the following. "context has nothing to do with anything, this is always the "go to" excuse for you guys when you twist scripture to conform to a doctrine." Your being hypocrital because you just used context with...
  19. B

    Please give me your input!?

    When Jesus said at John 10:30, "I and the Father are one" He was saying He and the Father are one in nature. We already know they are one in purpose. The reason I know Jesus was talking about being one in nature is because of the Jews reply at John 10:31, "The Jews took up stones AGAIN to stone...
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    Acts 10:44-48 and water baptism

    I'm sorry to say plaintalk but Cornelius at Acts 10 is not an exception to any rule. It's an actual fact that the Gentiles like Cornelius received the gift of the Holy Spirit and this was confirmed to Peter because they spoke in tongues and then "AFTER" they were water baptized. In fact, not...