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  1. B

    Do you want the truth? Here is the truth about eschatology

    Actually it does say or identify who the three men are jamon. Genesis 18:1, "Now the Lord appeared to him/Abraham by the oaks of Mamre, while he was sitting at the tent door in the heat of the day." One of the men was the preincarnate Jesus Christ (also known in the OT as the angel of the Lord)...
  2. B

    Do you want the truth? Here is the truth about eschatology

    So let me get this straight noose? You have Jesus Christ just peddling stories at Matthew 24:16 when He says, "then let those who are in Judea fless to the mountains." How are people misunderstanding His words? Please explain that to all of us here? If you look closely at Matthew 24:3 His...
  3. B

    Do you want the truth? Here is the truth about eschatology

    I have to agree with mr. nehemiah6 here. He did answer your question with his general statement of if your position is true or has already taken place why are we still living in this "upholstered" cesspool" we call earth? Now, you quoted in your op 1 John 2:18 but it's obvious you did not read...
  4. B

    Is God All-knowing?

    Welcome to the christian forums 111. I just posted a thread on this issue that might interest you. I believe the angel of the Lord is the preincarnate Jesus Christ and not just an actual angel like Michael or Gabriel. What do you think? :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  5. B

    I'm sorry nwl, but I'm unable to post the follwing to your response.

    I keep getting a message that I cannot post 10000 characters or whatever? So my response is here. Thanks for your reply nwl. What your doing is contradicting the Scriptures. Sure, you do say you believe Jesus existed before the earth was created and God used Jesus to create all things through...
  6. B

    Is God All-knowing?

    You have now crossed the line of being foolish with these 5 year old questions of yours. If Jesus actually said the exact words "I am God" would you believe Him? Let me answer that for you, no. When a "transgender" is speaking is it from their man side or woman side" You also ask, "I say Jesus...
  7. B

    "... and the Word was GOd. ..."

    I have to admit ps, you do make me laugh at times and this is one of them. So if I take your Rock Hudson example and said for example my real name is Jack and then I said my neighbors name is also Jack would that make us the same person? Of course this is not a good example so let me try this...
  8. B

    Is God All-knowing?

    Since the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father there would be no reason for Him not to know. And yes, I understand why you ask this question because Matthew 24:36 states only the Father knows. Now, if you want to use your type of reasoning what would you say about 1 Corinthians 8:6? "yet for us...
  9. B

    Is God All-knowing?

    First let me welcome you to the forums. Your questions is a good one and has been brought up thousands and thousands of times. The reason Jesus did not know the day or hour of His own return/2nd coming is because He became a man or is functioning as a man, not as God. Pay close attention to...
  10. B

    Do we have a "sin nature"?

    This guy does not know what he's talking about. He said, "No one taught we inhereted anything from Adam." If that's true how come the Apostle Paul said at Romans 5:12-21, (I will just quote vs12 and you can read the rest yourself). "Therefore, just as "THROUGH" one man sin entered into the...
  11. B

    "... and the Word was GOd. ..."

    I have in my hand my computer mouse. I also said this: "So you have three "PERSONS" in the Bible clearly identified as God so how is it the Bible teaches there is only one God? Or in other words in what respect is God one? So what is the parable of Isaiah 29 that has a bearing on my question...
  12. B

    "... and the Word was GOd. ..."

    Your questions are ridiculous noose because they imply that the trinity is comprised of 3 gods. Your equating 3 persons as if there are 3 gods. Plus the fact that your statement about God is a square-circle is not analagous to your three questions. There are some things that is impossible for...
  13. B

    My response to nwl regarding Hebrews 1:1,2 and other issues.

    Hi nwl. I know full well the context but how does the context "preclude" God saying at Isaiah 44:24, "I, the Lord, am the maker of all things. Stretching out the heavens BY MYSELF, And spreading out the earth all alone." So, my question still stands? If Jesus Christ is a created being...
  14. B

    "I am He"

    I think the swordsman knows that. I'm pretty sure he is being "facetious." At least that is how I took it. :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  15. B

    "I am He"

    Somebody has a major issue problem! Jesus said at John 2:19, "Destroy this temple and in three days I WILL RASISE IT UP." At John 2:21 John says this: "But He was speaking of the temple of His body." Then you have at Romans 8:11 the following: "But if the Spirit of Him, who rasied Jesus from...
  16. B

    "I am He"

    I understand, and your right it is you. When I said "it has to be Jesus Christ in the burning bush" there are a hundred more Biblical reasons that it is true more than just the fact that God the Father cannot be seen. In fact, and as far as I'm concerned the best proof that Jesus pre-existed His...
  17. B

    "I am He"

    And neither would I. So, if someone was to ask you to explain the Trinity what would you tell them? :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  18. B

    "I am He"

    Actually ps, I did exegete the gist of the verses. What did I say that was wrong or that you did not understand? :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  19. B

    "I am He"

    First of all I know what "Modalism/Sabellism/ Monarchianism and dynamic Monarchianism" is. And who is the "we" when you said, "Whereas we believe Father, Son, and Holy Spirit exist together as One God." I highly suggest you loose the Queen example that is based on "roles." I also have a...