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  1. Dino246

    How To keep Her From Dropping the "F-Bomb" on You

    Fair enough; I had not read your previous post before making mine. That said, if another person puts you in the friend zone for any reason, pushing harder will likely end badly. Better to give them space, and if they change their mind, it’s on them to communicate that. :)
  2. Dino246

    How To keep Her From Dropping the "F-Bomb" on You

    A woman who considers you friend material will never consider you husband material. Thank her for her honesty and move on. You’ve wasted only your time or, if you’re silly enough to think ‘chivalry’ means paying her tab, your money. There are cheaper ways to learn.
  3. Dino246

    the world is run by fallen angels and demons, do not follow them into the pit seek the Lord.

    I love your optimism. There is no such evidence. :)
  4. Dino246

    Religious Tithing

    Abraham tithed a single time, and it wasn’t even on his ‘income’ but on war spoils. That’s hardly a model for Christian practice. Circumcision also was commanded prior to Sinai; are you going to preach that too? You use fear as a motivation for tithing, which tells me both that you don’t...
  5. Dino246


    So a brief entry in the back of a Bible is the final word on the meaning of a concept? Come on, man.
  6. Dino246

    Dramatic, the end times will speedy up now.

    There are already several “Palestinian” states: Jordan, Lebanon, and Israel. The term is a misnomer. The “land for peace” c**p has been tried and has failed many times. The only way the non-Israelis will be satisfied is with the complete destruction of the state of Israel. That said, the...
  7. Dino246


    Yes, and?
  8. Dino246

    What Should Happen On a First Date?

    You lost me at “The man always pays” (mind you, I’m not looking for advice). That idea died a slow death but it is firmly dead. Many women would insist on paying their own way at least on the first date to remove any sense of obligation. Offer to pay if you want, but don’t demand. Or let her...
  9. Dino246

    The Problem With Grace

    I didn't suggest anything of the sort. I just pointed out yours, and I'm guessing you didn't appreciate it. That's understandable, but rejecting the truth of my statement doesn't get you closer to right standing with the Lord. ;)
  10. Dino246


    Ah. Accusation means a claim of wrongdoing, not that someone actually did something wrong. :) "Satan" is the role of the accuser and also the role-name of the Accuser of the brethren (note the difference in capitalization). Unfortunately, many people think that any accusation is coming from...
  11. Dino246

    The Problem With Grace

    What you are feeling is the direct result of a mistaken notion that your sin is less heinous than someone else’s, so you deserve God’s forgiveness while they don’t. The hard reality is that you don’t deserve it either. I would encourage you to read the parable of the unmerciful servant...
  12. Dino246

    God’s COVID-19 Jubilee Dever Gadol (Plague) - Death For Death

    If you were indeed a prophet, why did you not prophesy this in advance? Making a claim after the fact does not make you a prophet; any person can do that. Just because two events are fifty years apart doesn't mean either has anything to do with "Jubilee". In Scripture, Jubilee is a time of...
  13. Dino246


    Yes, but what does that have to do with accusations in general?
  14. Dino246

    How Can John Convince the 4th Woman He Asks Out at His Church that He's Not a Player?

    If John had waited at least a month between dates, he might have retained some semblance of character. Dating three different women within a month because he didn't feel a "spark" is being shallow. Perhaps a better approach would have been to plan three very different dates with each woman...
  15. Dino246

    Jesus wanted the whole world to know about it. rivers of blood and suffering of the nations

    I have said nothing about "2000 years (sic) old texts are the only truth", nor that "the new messages that were sent to the prophets are lies", so I see no need to defend against such accusation.
  16. Dino246

    Jesus wanted the whole world to know about it. rivers of blood and suffering of the nations

    More Catholic error. Sadly, many people have fallen for the errors of Catholicism instead of the truth of plain Scripture.
  17. Dino246

    the world is run by fallen angels and demons, do not follow them into the pit seek the Lord.

    The claim in the opening post is utter hogwash. There's no need to entertain his trolling any further.
  18. Dino246

    Too smart for God

    With this topic , it’s worthwhile to distinguish between intelligence and wisdom. Many worldly people are intelligent, but few are wise except in a limited scope.
  19. Dino246

    The Law Is Out Of Date And Will "SOON DISAPPEAR"?

    The is a false but powerful comfort in pretending to adhere to the Law. It provides both self-righteousness and self-deception in one package.
  20. Dino246

    Dealing with what’s revealed

    Scripture also tells us… “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭25‬:‭2‬ ‭NIV