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  1. Dino246

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    You overuse formatting. That aside, if you’re either convinced that the KJV is perfectly accurate, or you are content using an inaccurate version, you will be satisfied with it. For those of us with a higher standard for accuracy, the KJV doesn’t cut it.
  2. Dino246

    Gods Elect vs man's selction

    Such threads are a good reason to nap high up in a tree and ignore the clamour.
  3. Dino246

    God and Time

    Big Bang? What ‘bible’ are you reading?
  4. Dino246

    God and Time

  5. Dino246

    Man or bear?

    If you go down to the woods today, you're in for a big surprise....
  6. Dino246

    New here how's this work?

    Welcome, LMorgan! I'm curious at the three 3's; do they mean you're only half the beast you used to be? ;)
  7. Dino246

    New member.

    Welcome to CC, Gary! Glad to have you aboard. Help yourself to a hot beverage, but mind the cream in the fridge... it's been there a while. :)
  8. Dino246

    God and Time

    Glad I could provide you with some entertainment. However... are you sure my statement was speculative?
  9. Dino246

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    They are not "separate concepts" but are intimately related. Gravity has been measured and quantified. The acceleration due to Earth's gravity is 9.8 metres per second squared at sea level. What is the acceleration due to buoyancy? It's a nonsensical question, because "buoyancy" is not a...
  10. Dino246

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    Gary, stop being a jackdonkey. Try to interact without making demeaning comments about others. If you can't, your ideas aren't worth the pixels to print them.
  11. Dino246

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    And your arrogance is disappointing. (Regarding ships...) That doesn't work. The density of both the water and the ship are unchanged between when the ship is floating and when it sinks. Further, the "medium" (water) is not "contained" such that it provides buoyancy. It is, rather, distinctly...
  12. Dino246

    its in your heart

    The "chat" happens in back-and-forth written messages on this site. There used to be a live voice chat component (a sister site, if you will); I have not used it for several years and I don't know if it is still functioning. Other members may be able to add further insight on that. To the...
  13. Dino246

    God and Time

    Two thoughts: God is not limited by time in either sense, but chooses to operate in the time frame He created. As the Bible does not specify, we are left to speculate. Speculation is usually a waste of time. ;)
  14. Dino246

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    Which explains perfectly why ships float on the open ocean.... And also why they sink. Try again, Gary.
  15. Dino246

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    Please note what you think are the "best arguments" against the ball earth. I suspect many of them have been addressed already. Being hypocritical doesn't advance anyone's argument.
  16. Dino246

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    No; it just means there is no ambient force in either direction. ;)
  17. Dino246

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    You quote the word of man and then tell me that you can't trust the word of man. A dictionary definition of a word does not give you the broad scientific understanding of related concepts. The definition in isolation is sound, but using a dictionary definition of the word as a basis for a...
  18. Dino246

    Revisiting The Language of the Great Harlot

    What you experienced was emotional manipulation, no different than that created by loud music or empassioned rhetoric. It’s all merely human attempts to elicit awe. In truth, when the Holy Spirit shows up, the people will be awe-full… pun intended, and no manipulation required. ;)
  19. Dino246

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    A dictionary is not a Physics textbook.