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  1. H

    Can no longer separate sex from sin

    I am getting help, actually. And yes, I need to watch the stupid things I post.
  2. H

    Can no longer separate sex from sin

    This is a problem I've had pretty much all my life. Viewing the world differently from others and not having the same life experiences either often makes me feel alone, sometimes to the point where I don't feel fully human. Relationships in general are a big question mark for people like me...
  3. H

    Can no longer separate sex from sin

    I'm sad about it too. All my life I've had to deal with being different and seeing the world differently from everyone else. Not that I'm fishing for sympathy. I'm just making it clear for everyone.
  4. H

    Can no longer separate sex from sin

    To everyone wondering why I think in this extreme way, let me say I have high-functioning autism. I think in very black and white terms. If I see more black in something than white, then my mind automatically tends to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Not that I want it to. It's just that...
  5. H

    Can no longer separate sex from sin

    Let me start this off by saying I have never been abused in my life. Both my parents are godly loving people, and they did not teach me the things I'm about to say. I simply came to this conclusion on my own. I still have a desire to marry, but the more I learn about how hard it is, the more...
  6. H

    Letter to my fellow Christians

    I was being sarcastic.
  7. H

    Letter to my fellow Christians

    This is for every Christian who wants to read this. It’s time for us to stop our smug, arrogant, patronizing view of the world. I no longer call myself a Christian not because I’m ashamed of Christ but because I’m ashamed and even disgusted by the actions of those who supposedly believe in the...
  8. H

    When is it gonna be enough?

    I'm not gonna be debating God and his role in the evil of this world or whatever. What I am going to say is something that needs to be said. We've had yet another school shooting yesterday morning in Texas. We've had yet another wicked, truly evil person walk in freely and murder eight...
  9. H

    Why we should reject forgiveness culture

    I am not embarrassed to call myself a Christian because I'm ashamed of Christ. I'm embarrassed to call myself a Christian because I supposedly have the same faith as the people who insist that we be doormats. Given the recent mass shootings we've been dealing with in the last few years, we as...
  10. H

    God values our free will more than he loves us

    I was thinking and I kind of had a revelation. I think another reason why things like abuse and rape make me so angry, other than concern the people it happens to, is because I feel like I would lose my faith if that happened to me. I often feel guilty for all the blessings I have, knowing...
  11. H

    Desperate Call to Action on the Church's Part

    I don't even know where to begin, but I need to say this. There is a huge moral and ethical scandal going on in American churches, and that involves sex abuse. And it's been going on for FAR too long. To everyone reading this post, this needs to be said right now, to everyone. I don't care what...
  12. H

    Tired of people saying love is an action, not a feeling

    I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. Love is not just an action, and it's not just a feeling. It's both. It's a feeling put into action. And by feeling, I'm not talking about that high you're on when you're "in love." Yes, at times in relationships there will be emotional roller...
  13. H

    Want marriage but no kids

    Even though I want to be married, I don't want to have children. It's not that I don't like kids, I just don't think I have the patience or the energy to care for more than two people, myself and my spouse. I know people say "Oh, it's different when they're your kids." I don't think so. Still...
  14. H

    Real Forgiveness

    Have Christians today forgotten what real forgiveness is? It seems so, because for one thing, one reason abuse is so widely spread in our churches is because we have a faulty understanding of what forgiveness actually is. Apparently, being accountable for your actions is not a good message...
  15. H

    Advice for Married People

    To those who are married, and tell us we should let God be our "spouse," why don't you follow your own advice and divorce yours?
  16. H

    On Syrian refugees and Muslim registry

    I know I'm probably going to say some controversial things, but I don't care about being controversial, I care about being reasonable. I keep seeing articles like "Why a Muslim registry is wrong" and about Christians saying we need to gladly welcome Syrian refugees. I don't necessarily agree...
  17. H

    Can't sleep

    I haven't been able to sleep for the past couple nights because I made the idiotic decision of watching the end of this horror movie. I keep praying and have my audio bible on, but nothing seems to be working. I'm exhausted and I just want to sleep. I feel so alone. :_(
  18. H

    On Sin and Suffering

    No, I'm not going to give the end all answer to suffering. But what I am frustrated with is when people misinterpret the Bible to get to their conclusions about it. Particularly with the book of Job, probably the most misunderstood book in the whole Bible. I'm going to leave a link to an article...
  19. H

    True friends receive and give

    I decided to do this in relation to my thread about singles and marriage in the church. I think it's pretty obvious for people thirty years old and younger that we're probably the loneliest generation this country has ever seen. And for some if not most, that loneliness can't be alleviated...
  20. H

    Food for Thought

    I may be young and yet to have my first date, but that's not why I'm here. Given what most stats say and the fact that we have to go to websites just to find people to date, I'd say the Church needs to be more responsible in how they treat singles. If they're going to preach purity and...