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  1. A

    Where are all the real Christian men??

    I hesitate to say anything in response because I don't want to come across as engaging in an immature exchange. However, in the spirit of a healthy discussion I think we all have our preferences as to what kind of church we wish to attend and I hear your opinion expressed here, but I think many...
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    Reconciling Matthew 24 and Revelation 6

    Matthew wrote Matthew and he and Luke were both inspired by the same Spirit and there is no contradiction. I don't think it is hard to understand that Jesus was telling them not to have the false motives of the Pharisees and showboat for peoples admiration. Those that gather with other...
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    Reconciling Matthew 24 and Revelation 6

    They seemed to be very much focused on meeting together for prayer often in the book of Acts. So much so that one comes away with a revelation that this is what we should be doing as well. T hat prayer they engaged in seemed to be all about having a corporate conscience that they were in this...
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    Reconciling Matthew 24 and Revelation 6

    "The book of Acts." :)
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    Reconciling Matthew 24 and Revelation 6

    I think it is obvious that the New Testament teaches that Christians should live ready for the coming of the Lord at any moment. Prophesies about what happens at the end should not cause someone to expect those events instead of the coming of the Lord, since they are supposed to live always...
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    Where are all the real Christian men??

    ...And can rope a crocodile if necessary. :cool:
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    Where are all the real Christian men??

    It's a touchy subject. We all believe that it is forgivable. But we don't want to be guilty of presumptuous sins of "we can do it and ask for forgiveness later." But I do agree that many Christians divorce for unbiblical reasons, maybe even thinking "it is not the unforgivable sin" and go...
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    Reconciling Matthew 24 and Revelation 6

    I have no idea what you are imagining. Denying that the rapture had occurred? I believe that the rapture will be visible. They will shine like the stars when they are glorified and rise to meet the Lord. If you mean that after that people left behind will deny it was really the rapture that...
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    Reconciling Matthew 24 and Revelation 6

    I don't know how anyone will miss the coming of the Lord. His point was not to listen to someone say the Christ has come. He tells them when He comes back everyone will know it. You won't need to worry about a discussion whether it is true or not.
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    Genesis 3:16 Bible Old Testament. Surah 4:34 (Quran)

    There is a lot written about how Jewish rabbis through the centuries approached interpretation of scriptures. It's almost a whole branch of Jewish theology. It would take a semester college class to digest the most important parts. They favored allegorical interpretations. These allegorical...
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    Reconciling Matthew 24 and Revelation 6

    Whether the rapture happens at the beginning or the end, we are to be giving out the word of life to all those around us, which is evangelizing. That is how we can be prepared. Pretrib or post trib does not change that. If someone is a pre tribulation believer and these judgments of the...
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    Reconciling Matthew 24 and Revelation 6

    Which means that the invitation of the Gospel has been sent by God for every nation under heaven starting with the ones they had gotten to so far and they were to continue doing this until Jesus comes again. They had not been to America yet. It had not been discovered. They had not been to...
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    Reconciling Matthew 24 and Revelation 6

    Being found engaged in evangelizing and advancing the kingdom of God by getting souls saved through faith in Jesus Christ, establishing local churches who can continue to evangelize their communities, when Jesus comes back, IS PREPARING. Your comments on revelation don't address your idea of...
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    Where are all the real Christian men??

    Wow. Humility. James 3:17 But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peace-loving, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, free of hypocrisy. Sometimes it's good to take a break from CC and come back with a fresh start using this verse as your guide. Another one...
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    Where are all the real Christian men??

    The context of 1 John 1:27 is about someone trying to teach you false doctrine. You don't need any man to be the one who tells you what is truth and rely on what they say. Because you have the Holy Spirit that will lead you and tell you when a man is speaking false doctrine. 26I am writing...
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    Where are all the real Christian men??

    The benefit of belonging to a local fellowship that meets together for worship, prayer, communion, meals, teaching, reaching the lost in their community, (besides all those) is that it is the path God ordained for our own individual revelation of Jesus Christ. The benefit is that we will know...
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    Where are all the real Christian men??

    Church of course. Involved in the ministries of the local church. This might require attending a larger church to find one that is single. Where else would you expect them to be? I am not saying you have to go to a mega church, but you might have to go to a larger one than a 20 member...
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    Who and/or what attacked Job and his family?

    Since God Listed Job, Noah, and Daniel as examples of righteous men in the land that might have a chance of holding back his wrath, (and not Abraham) your theory won't work. Ezek 14 12The word of the Lord came to me: 13“Son of man, suppose a land sins against me by acting faithlessly, and I...
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    Pentecostalism's sketchy origins

    The power of God moving in people's hearts is what we need. I do agree with that. May we ask for and receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit's power to be witnesses today and that the power of the Holy Spirit be evident to all that we come in contact with like what we read about in Acts...