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  1. Dino246

    Do we have a complete, perfect, and sufficient Bible?

    From the late Dr. Michael S. Heiser.
  2. Dino246

    Do we have a complete, perfect, and sufficient Bible?

    John was inspired to write “monogenes”, not “only-begotten”.
  3. Dino246

    Do we have a complete, perfect, and sufficient Bible?

    I doubt it, but I would be pleased to be wrong. In a word, wrong! It means species-unique, one-of-a-kind. By itself it neither says nor implies anything about Jesus’ relationship to His Father. Those ideas come from other words and verses. Though “only begotten” is the chosen translation...
  4. Dino246

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    Polaris is very near to the North polar axis and also quite distant. Its position in the sky is essentially unchanging to all but modern measurements. This makes it very useful for navigation. Further, because it is so far away, its elevation angle is the same as the latitude of the observer...
  5. Dino246

    Do we have a complete, perfect, and sufficient Bible?

    And what does "begotten" mean in this context?
  6. Dino246

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    You said yourself that you have examined the evidence, yet you ask a basic question. That tells me that either you have not, in fact, examined the evidence as you claim, or that you have rejected the evidence for some reason, and therefore I'm wasting my time explaining it to you. Asserting...
  7. Dino246

    Dietary laws, do you keep them?

    I guess you haven't been to Auschwitz, or even met a survivor. While some things may be, not everything is a hoax.
  8. Dino246

    Your thoughts please

    Your experience was unfortunate, but I like your suggestion. :)
  9. Dino246

    so what actually happened - worship wars early 80's to late 90's or so

    I don't know that there is a single answer to your question. As far as I know, most churches decided either to stick with the older music ("hymns") or to adopt modern music to some degree. I can offer that the "wars" started long before 1980 (about 200 years before!) and are still going strong...
  10. Dino246

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    Since you claim to have examined the evidence, yours is a question of deliberate, chosen ignorance, not lack of information. The Bible give us exactly zero references to North America, yet here we are. Give that some thought. Does the sun "rise" in the perspective of an observer on Earth's...
  11. Dino246

    Dietary laws, do you keep them?

    I encourage you to do some more research on the subject. It is impossible to get all the nutrients you need from plants only— particularly vitamin B12–and many nutrients are much more difficult to obtain from plant sources than from animal products. :) Consider that after the fall and the...
  12. Dino246

    Do we have a complete, perfect, and sufficient Bible?

    Does one have to hear the "complete and perfect" word of God to come to saving faith? Huh? As I have advised you previously (probably several times!), you need to consider the implications of your statements before posting them.
  13. Dino246

    Do we have a complete, perfect, and sufficient Bible?

    Using fallacies to defend anything just makes your arguments worthless.
  14. Dino246

    Do we have a complete, perfect, and sufficient Bible?

    Then don't use the term "God's word" when you are talking specifically about the KJV translation of God's word.
  15. Dino246

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    Either you want people to take (your interpretation of) Scripture OR accept evidence from the created world/universe. Proper interpretation starts with Scripture and allows evidence from creation to inform the conclusions drawn from Scripture. It is reasonable to change one’s conclusions where...
  16. Dino246

    Do we have a complete, perfect, and sufficient Bible?

    Fallacy upon fallacy. You say “God’s word” but by that you mean the KJV. That’s the fallacy of equivocation. You say, if you do not have access to God’s word, how are you able to have faith” but you mean “the perfect and complete written word of God”. That’s a fallacy of misrepresentation...
  17. Dino246

    Scripture Based Flat Earth Proposition

    Methinks you didn’t think through your words before clicking “Post reply”. Your statement has an internal contradiction.
  18. Dino246

    Do we have a complete, perfect, and sufficient Bible?

    Fail! That's not a double standard. Try again!
  19. Dino246

    Do we have a complete, perfect, and sufficient Bible?

    I will… right after you post the scripture stating that double standards are acceptable.