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  1. ChrisTillinen

    "You all know that a God exists" - Bruggencate, etc.

    I don't totally disagree with the "cart before the horse" part. While doing this "to fulfill prophecy" may be a way to show obedience to the divine plan, presumably the prophecy had its own purpose rather than just being arbitrarily fulfilled. That he "was numbered with the transgressors"...
  2. ChrisTillinen

    The Strangely Comforting Cross

    Yes, the Song of Solomon is (primarily) what I meant by the Biblical precedent. I will add the poems of St John of the Cross to my reading list.
  3. ChrisTillinen

    The Strangely Comforting Cross

    This is almost exactly the same as with the one poem that I composed today. But at other times, I've also found it very useful to just collect ideas, metaphors, idioms, phrases, etc and save them for possible future use. Sometimes the ideas need to develop over greater period of time, and...
  4. ChrisTillinen

    "You all know that a God exists" - Bruggencate, etc.

    That was to fulfill a prophecy (as mentioned in Luke 22:37). I guess one could also think of it as a somewhat ironic practical demonstration of how Jesus was being treated by the party coming to arrest him. (Mark 14:48)
  5. ChrisTillinen

    "You all know that a God exists" - Bruggencate, etc.

    Yes, WLC is much more credible than Sye, although he too has some decent points from what I can remember from him. I would guess that many atheists love to hate both of these gentlement, but as some atheist (may have been Sam Harris) once said, William Lane Craig is the one Christian apologist...
  6. ChrisTillinen

    The Strangely Comforting Cross

    Thank you, your comments are very encouraging! I posted two new poems that are currently pending approval, one of them I just composed today. Ideally, I'd like my poems to rhyme, but these two new ones don't. I hope their other qualities will make up for that.
  7. ChrisTillinen

    The Coin and the Image

    They showed him a coin to trap him by his words, to soothe their fragile sense of broken honor and religious pride. Mere token of transitory value as their tool of deceitful choice trying to outwit the eternal wisdom to devalue the one of infinite worth. By the image you may know the worth so...
  8. ChrisTillinen

    Life Through Death

    They brought him into a tomb where no one else had been buried. Him who died such death as no one else had died. Into a tomb bought for another they took him who bought others free. By shroud they covered the one who covered many sins. Not sins of his own but ours who are his own. He who...
  9. ChrisTillinen

    How can we Love You Enough, Lord?

    I really like the first line, "You hide yourself in us and we search for you. "
  10. ChrisTillinen

    New here, still getting to know the lay of the land

    Or perhaps he was worried about monkeypox. But that's not a risk that my presence carries, never mind whatever other risks there may be.
  11. ChrisTillinen

    The River Out of the Land of Darkness

    I already posted another one. It just has to be approved by the mods. I hope you like that one too (but again, please be honest if you don't). :)
  12. ChrisTillinen

    The River Out of the Land of Darkness

    Thank you for your feedback. I'm still quite new to writing poetry, so I really appreciate your opinion as it may help to calibrate my own. (Which is why I also welcome criticism.)
  13. ChrisTillinen

    The Strangely Comforting Cross

    I have come here once again to lose and find myself still fleeing but aching to be free. His pierced hands outstretched to loose and bind my self now seeing the true fruit of the tree. At the foot of this strangely comforting cross eyes opened to shocking holiness of love once more. I find my...
  14. ChrisTillinen

    New here, still getting to know the lay of the land

    Thanks for the warm welcome, Magenta and Isny. Regarding Åland islands, yes, Swedish is still the main language there. They are quite intent on keeping their cultural identity (which is understandable).
  15. ChrisTillinen

    New here, still getting to know the lay of the land

    Oh, I see that the pending post was now approved. So never mind about that. :)
  16. ChrisTillinen

    New here, still getting to know the lay of the land

    Hi everyone! I'm not sure what to say here, but just thought I'd post something here as that appears to be customary. I'm a man in my early 40s, hailing from the country of Finland. I grew up in a Christian home, so I've been a believer as far back as I can remember, but there have also been...
  17. ChrisTillinen

    Be honest with me, am I going to hell forever or not?

    Few things come to mind. 1. The situation with the pharisees was quite different. They were in a position to directly witness the power of God in Jesus's miracles, and they made a very public charge against Jesus's ministry of healing and exorcism. Not comparable to a momentary private thought...
  18. ChrisTillinen

    The River Out of the Land of Darkness

    One lantern with its faintest flutter veils darkness with its shimmer. Your worries form a quiet mutter, fearing it's turning dimmer. It's not an easy path you've chosen, learning to trust the quiet pledge. Through valleys unknown dark and frozen, yearning to see the river's edge. It is still...