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  1. ChrisTillinen

    I think I did at some point when I was really young, but I can't really remember it. Perhaps it...

    I think I did at some point when I was really young, but I can't really remember it. Perhaps it was too traumatic to realize the truth and so I've repressed the memory. :D
  2. ChrisTillinen

    Great. So they know that the alternative version of "Santa lives in the North Pole" is fake news!

    Great. So they know that the alternative version of "Santa lives in the North Pole" is fake news!
  3. ChrisTillinen

    The Wind that Fills My Sails

    I just posted a new poem titled "The Journey of a Redeemed Heart". It's currently still pending approval. It was strongly influenced by what you wrote here.
  4. ChrisTillinen

    The Journey of a Redeemed Heart

    As the sail of a redeemed heart waits in calm For the wind that blows where it wishes Questions yet unanswered begin to take their form As the fleeting absence learns what it misses The faith that requires strength Leans on the strength of its giver In deep undercurrents a fabric of purpose...
  5. ChrisTillinen

    The Wounds and the Inheritance

    Personally, I find the phrase "the icy red crystals of their unredemption" somehow quite impactful. I also like the image of "waters of judgement drowning in righteousness". The counterintuitive "drowning of waters" seems quite similar to "the death of death" which happened when Christ was...
  6. ChrisTillinen

    The Wounds and the Inheritance

    Interestingly, I wrote most of this poem with the intention of making it's rhyme structure a rather ambitious "1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4". That turned out to be too difficult and not even ideal (one would have to read really carefully to notice the rhyme going back 4 lines). So I changed it to "1-2, 1-2"...
  7. ChrisTillinen

    The Wounds and the Inheritance

    The beginning of the poem describes humankind in its fallen state. Not able to bear the unveiled glory and light of God's perfection and holiness, they had to flee. They are lost and left to wander aimlessly through a landscape of thorns (the consequences of the fall). The "self-wound of the...
  8. ChrisTillinen

    The Wounds and the Inheritance

    Some parts of the imagery and symbolism in this one should be clear enough, but other parts may be a bit more obscure. Perhaps I'll post some commentary soon. Although I think there's also something to be said for reading a poem at least once without any pre-conceived ideas of what it's about.
  9. ChrisTillinen

    The Echo of the Questions

    Thank you for your kind words. :)
  10. ChrisTillinen

    The Wounds and the Inheritance

    That wretched inheritance of old The self-wound of the fallen ones Hiding from the light too bright to behold Eye looks for dimmer light and succumbs Living the destiny of aimless wander No longer in the garden but fleeing still Fighting for time but soon going under Rebels in search of a cause...
  11. ChrisTillinen

    The Echo of the Questions

    I'm also noticing that I failed to mention some things that would have been relevant. But that's probably still (more than) enough information for now. :D
  12. ChrisTillinen

    The Echo of the Questions

    (CONTINUING FROM THE PREVIOUS POST) (Multiple texts from the Gospels related to the discovery of the empty tomb) I couldn't resist using a "sun/son" pun in "the sun now rising" as the sun rising on easter morning led to the visit to the tomb and ultimately the realization that the SON had...
  13. ChrisTillinen

    The Echo of the Questions

    This explanation is perhaps too long as the system doesn't even accept it as a single post. :D But I couldn't cover all of the most relevant points in a shorter amount of text. It was a useful exercise to think about this poem a bit more and try to find ways to explain the ideas behind it. So...
  14. ChrisTillinen

    The Echo of the Questions

    No problem, I want to continue writing poems. It's just that other things got in the way. I've developed some new ideas and refined old ones. Just haven't had the time and energy to write an entire poem. I think I should perhaps post something to explain the idea behind this poem. That could be...
  15. ChrisTillinen

    Friend's Health Issues

    An online friend that I've known for many years has experienced some episodes of intense pain and some other related symptoms recently. In emergency care he got a possible diagnosis (which could be somewhat serious but not life-threatening). He's expecting to have some follow-up examinations...
  16. ChrisTillinen

    Chris Rosebrough—Pirate Christian or Pirate?

    I'm sure he has his theological disagreements with many people from this list (in just the ways one would expect from a confessional Lutheran with regard to the views held by Baptists and Evangelicals). But I would agree that I also don't remember anything that would constitute "attacking" them.
  17. ChrisTillinen

    Chris Rosebrough—Pirate Christian or Pirate?

    I'm not super familiar with Rosebrough but I used to listen to some of the episodes of his "Fighting for the Faith" podcast and a few sermons from him as well. I don't think I disagreed with him about anything truly essential, but I suppose his style and general approach may not be for everyone...
  18. ChrisTillinen

    The Echo of the Questions

    I think I was a bit short on time to get this one ready, and didn't really come up with a better way to make that part rhyme than using the pair languish/anguish or vice versa. Originally I had "anguish" in that sentence but I didn't want to use the same word twice as "anguish" is used a few...
  19. ChrisTillinen

    The Echo of the Questions

    A garden to cherish with so much to enjoy. Should be easy to obey God's only given command. We paint him as some cosmic killjoy. So we refuse, come what may, and hide from his face's demand. Where are you? Where are you? Through the night they were wrestling, leading him to strike the...
  20. ChrisTillinen

    The Stories We Tell to Cope and Scare

    Thank you for this idea. I'm just not sure if it would be easy to change that part without breaking continuity with the metaphor of an amusement park where people are essentially "amusing themselves to death" instead of facing the stark reality of the hopelessness of human life without God.