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    2 Peter 2:7 Lot is a righteous man

    On the subject of Lot's "righteousness" - why did he offer his daughters to the assailants?
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    What does 'Faith in Jesus' Mean to You?

    When you say He has given you witness and testimony, can you be more specific as to the form of this? Is it personal revelation, events, miracles, or other?
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    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    First, I want to point out that you may well have good reason to refute one or all the points and speculations I bring up. You may well know the Bible better than I do. Also I have no bible with me at the moment. Having said that, for what it's worth, I'd like to mention some points I've...
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    What does 'Faith in Jesus' Mean to You?

    I've often thought about this and similar issues. "Pist", the Greek word stem is usually, if not always, translated "faith". This word tends to invoke a feeling of mysticism/ spirituality - quite possibly because of its association with the "religiosity" of the 1611 KJV. I used to think the...
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    I recently posted a question re. the state of people when they die, before Jesus' second coming - ie - have they gone to Heaven or Hell or are they "at sleep", awaiting resurrection. Whereas I tend toward the latter, I am unsure as to what a careful reading of the whole of the NT would...
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    David's state in Acts 2

    At no time did I think you were trying to give me a hard time. As we're on this central point, where do you think Jesus was in the period post-death and pre-resurrection?
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    David's state in Acts 2

    Throughout the decades, I've had many different ideas on this point, from many different denominations. I think I can largely sum it up into 2 camps - those who believe Christ was in a state of effective non-existentce in His post-death state and those who believe He went to Hell in that...
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    David's state in Acts 2

    I take your point about "bringing with" implying it's from the same place, although I don't think it's strictly necessarily the case. In one case, you could say that through God, Christ and. men are being brought together to one place without being necessarily having been physically together...
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    David's state in Acts 2

    Sorry for misquoting you.
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    David's state in Acts 2

    A good point! A quick warning for us both here. Even if we earnestly seek the truth, in or outside Scripture, we are not free of fallibility. Even reasonable extrapolation is potentially dangerous. I'm not saying that seems true here, but as a general rule it applies. Another thing which...
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    David's state in Acts 2

    Another thing - you quote in 1Thess4:14 about sleeping in Christ, awaiting resurrection. I can't understand what that term would mean if their souls or beings were already in Heaven. My idea is that there wouldn't be much time for sleep! I must admit I don't understand your last point about...
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    David's state in Acts 2

    Thanks for responding. There's much to consider in what you've said. I don't know if I'll be able to fully address it, at least in one go, but I'll try to make a start. First, let's take Paul's desires. I've heard both sides of the argument re. timing of events and both seem to carry...
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    David's state in Acts 2

    Thanks for your reply. In the Lazarus account, I assume you're referring to the one whom Jesus resurrected in John 15. I assume he'd been sleeping as there's no indication he'd been brought back from Heaven or Hell. As for Samuel and the witch of Endor - I'd previously thought about that...
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    David's state in Acts 2

    One big issue in Christian theology is whether the "dead" are alive in a post-dead state or "sleeping", awaiting judgement. Unless I'm misinterpreting the verse, Peter says in Acts 2 that David is dead and buried and "his tomb exists to this day". This seems to confirm that the latter...
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    i'm not christian but i do have some questions

    I've read "The Bible Code" In it, Drosnin says he checked various people and events, including things happening in the future. He pointed out that similar "revelations" had been sought in great works such as "War and Peace" and none were found, rebutting the idea that this was just an...
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    i'm not christian but i do have some questions

    Thanks for your input. I don't know why the OP was banned - I don't see anything problematic in what he was saying. Re. fear: - first, at the time I was very new to the Bible and Christianity. I'd never seriously considered the subject. All I knew was I'd come across the idea of an...
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    i'm not christian but i do have some questions

    I'm not sure how certain terms relate to me - I'm not secure in my understanding, but I'll try to state my experience. 1) I wasn't born into a family with strong beliefs about religion and my thoughts varied as to these topics. In my teens I was a vehement atheist, even mocking a Christian...
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    Should you say, 'Homosexuality is a Sin.'

    Sorry, my input was meant for Presidente, not Mustaphadrink.