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    Cashless society in relation to Revelation

    Lately, I've heard a few people say that institutions (which includes my brother's) are becoming cashless. This, they say, is because "the people that ('be' - (or 'are' - which seems to be grammatically correct) are)" working to "keep tabs on" people and control what they do. I'm...
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    As I understand it, "soul sleep" refers to the idea that the dead are unconscious and awaiting resurrection and judgement.
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    Is Calvinism the truth?

    Until a few years ago, I hadn't encountered Calvinism, instinctively thinking it was a form of operation, like methodism, rather than a belief system. To me, it seems wrong and counter-intuitive, but sometimes, if I'm bombarded with assertions over and over again, I tend to start to wonder -...
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    I can't say I have a consistent method of determining which is likely correct. I guess I'd look at the Greek, of which I'm no expert, maybe consult what people who seem to be knowledgeable on the subject say. Compare scripture with Scripture.
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    I'm uncertain on this matter, but it seems the preponderence of biblical evidence points to the idea that the post-death/ pre-second coming people are unconscious, at least mostly. One issue I've relatively recently come across is the idea that Hades had 2 compartments - one for the "just" - a...
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    The post about other verses which seem to reference the fact that the dead are at least at SOME point dead was meant as a reply to your comment on this matter. I'm not au fait with technology and I don't know how it ended where it did.
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    Do you believe, in light of how you've interpreted the Lazarus account, that this does not indicate, at least in itself, that consciousness exists in the post-death/ pre-second coming state? Another point:- I don't know if the situation is clouded by the fact that Jesus seems to be referencing...
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    I CERTAINLY don't trust my "education". As for trusting every word in any given Bible, emphatically NO. The KJV is what I currently use, but even that I try to treat with caution, not because of fear of error, primarily, but wariness I'll misinterpret something. I certainly wouldn't consult...
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    2 Peter 2:7 Lot is a righteous man

    I think the pivotal thing for me is whether surrendering of the daughters was deemed to be GENUINELY an appropriate thing to do, as if somehow, the offering of the daughters was a lesser evil than the "permitting" of homosexual action, which seemed to be rape. This, I assume, would seem...
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    I take your point about the Lazarus account, but how does that square with other portions of Scripture, eg - Ecclesiastes 9:5, which says "The living are conscious that they will die, but the dead are conscious of nothing at all."? or the "other Lazarus" account where Jesus resurrects him...
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    It was suggested I consider Luke16. OK - First, let's consider at what point in the timeframe of God's plan of salvation this was referring. As it's before Christ's sacrifice, I would think it's referring to essentially an OT position. It's also in dispute as to whether the passage is...
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    I suspect you are a KJVonlyist. Would you care to confirm or deny this?
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    Is not the Greek word there "Hades"? "Hades is Greek mythology."? How does the correct word "hades" denote Greek mythology?
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    2 Peter 2:7 Lot is a righteous man

    Whatever the facts are about whether Lot could be considered "righteous" in whatever sense, I can't help thinking that his giving up his daughters was dreadful. Some people have brought up the idea that because the Sodomites were going to do homosexual acts with the angels, surrendering the...
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    Thanks, everybody, for your input. It will take a lot of consideration. I've read through it and intend more thoroughly examining it later.
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    What does 'Faith in Jesus' Mean to You?

    Whereas I or others could have a personal revelation, as others speak of, or experience things which we deem to be miracles, I don't think anything can replace the Bible as reliable in the matter of Christian guidance. As Paul said in 2Tim3:26, "All scripture is profitable for teaching, etc."...
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    As in the days of Noah... ALL flesh had CORRUPTED itself

    I must admit I didn't comprehensively go through all the text, instinctively thinking it would be better to get the ball rolling and follow up as issues were brought up. For instance, I mentioned the Christadelphian's "sons of God" reference, which I later realised you'd pointed out that no-one...
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    What does 'Faith in Jesus' Mean to You?

    I have the Bible. I wondered if you were referring to that as witness/ testimony, or something extra, like personal revelation, miracles, events, etc..