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  1. PaulChristensen


    I don't know and I don't care. If people put their faith in what they either see or don't see, then that faith is not faith but presumption. True faith is based in God's Word. The Scripture says let God be true and every man a liar. Things don't always seem what they appear to be. What we...
  2. PaulChristensen

    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    Who cares? Is our faith based on what we can see, or on Scripture? If God's word says that the signs and wonders accompany the preaching of the Gospel and that the supernatural gifts of the Spirit are given to the church for everyone to profit, and are distributed to all according to the will...
  3. PaulChristensen


    This is based on experience coming from observation and not from Scripture. All it does is to confirm the fact that cessationists base their faith in experience concerning the supernatural gifts of the Spirit, and then say they trust in Sola Scriptura for everything else. Sounds like being...
  4. PaulChristensen


    Isn't it interesting that those who were in the Strange Fire conference accused Charismatics of relying on experience rather than Scripture. But you have said what all Charismatics I know say, that the manifestation of the gifts must line up with the Word of God. The Strange Fire crowd must...
  5. PaulChristensen


    In support of your insightful post: it is interesting to note that the "perfect" Scriptures tell us that the gifts of the Spirit are available to the whole body of Christ and distributed as the Holy Spirit wills for the good of all. There is absolutely nothing to say that the gifts are limited...
  6. PaulChristensen


    It is interesting that cessationists accuse Charismatics of relying on experiences rather than Scripture. But as I read Scripture I see many references to the gifts of the Spirit being available to the church in these end times, and note that Charismatics tend to adopt Sola Scriptura as the...
  7. PaulChristensen

    What are the qualifications of an apostle?

    I have never heard of the Pope ever claiming to be an apostle. He does have the title of Vicar of Christ, and claims Apostolic Succession in terns of Peter being the first pope and so claims that he is Peter's successor as senior leader of the Church.
  8. PaulChristensen

    What are the qualifications of an apostle?

    Very true. And when I see them happening in those who call themselves apostles, then I will believe that they are true apostles.
  9. PaulChristensen

    What are the qualifications of an apostle?

    After spending 23 years at leadership level in a New Zealand Evangelical Presbyterian church I didn't witness one infant baptism, nor did I see any corroboration between church and state. But I did witness a couple of full-immersion baptisms, plenty of Christ-centred preaching, and good...
  10. PaulChristensen

    What are the qualifications of an apostle?

    What! Enjoying an interesting, stimulating church service and encouraged by a faith-building message? I'd rather have that than having to sit through an hour of total boredom in a cessationist church service that spouts liberalism and worldly wisdom. During the years I was an elder of a...
  11. PaulChristensen

    What are the qualifications of an apostle?

    Yep. Church people can yell like Commanche Indians as a football game on Saturday and sit like wooden Indians in church on Sunday, while the Charismatics next door are having fun and enjoying their church services. Did you know that there are more people sleeping through sermons in...
  12. PaulChristensen

    What are the qualifications of an apostle?

    There is the story, which I don't know whether it is true or not. Someone discovered a snake in the middle of a cannabis patch, and they reported it as a snake in the grass!
  13. PaulChristensen

    What are the qualifications of an apostle?

    I picked the wrong week to give up trying to handle snowflakes!
  14. PaulChristensen

    What are the qualifications of an apostle?

    I'm trying to give that up. :D
  15. PaulChristensen

    What are the qualifications of an apostle?

    In the Charismatic movement we are hearing about the emergence of those who are calling themselves apostles. I have read some books that give what they are presenting as Scriptural evidence that there are apostles in the church today. It seems that when a guy is called an apostle, or...
  16. PaulChristensen

    Do agnostics go to hell?

    That's what I said. When we judge ourselves and find ourselves guilty of breaching the Commandments we turn to Christ as Saviour and that saves us by God acquitting us before the Judgment so we don't come to it. But I don't believe in easy believerism where a person can join a church and...
  17. PaulChristensen

    Do agnostics go to hell?

    We all have a moral responsibility toward God. He has given us Ten Commandments as His rule for life. He will judge us according to those Commandments. Those who judge themselves and find themselves guilty of breaking the Commandments, and then turn to and embrace Christ as Saviour will not...
  18. PaulChristensen

    Does judgement day mean condemnation and damnation for all non-christians?

    The Judgment is where everyone has to stand before God and account for their attitude to Jesus Christ. If they are found guilty of rejecting Christ, then they are condemned to a Christ-less eternity, separated from God and everything good that He has created. But those who have turned to and...
  19. PaulChristensen

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    I'm just having a dig at you.:cool: I thought about how I approach the ministry of the Spirit. I tend to be more like Mr Spock than Doctor MacKoy, if you know what I mean.
  20. PaulChristensen

    In what ways does the Holy Spirit act in you?

    Be careful about praising me up too much. I have just finished watching the movie of Pilgrims Progress, and noted the warning "beware of the flatterer" where a character leading Christian and Hopeful off the right track lulled them into not seeing the danger by telling them how good they were...