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  1. S

    The devil’s attitude towards the commandments of God

    Yes, that's chapter 2 of 1st John. My remarks concerned 1 John chapter 1. Those other chapters continue to address both the unbelievers and those in Christ at a time when Gnosticism was being taught in those lands. The Book of 1 John Date The letter is difficult to date with precision, but...
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    Hurt my toe

    Praying. Years ago I had parked my car to pick up some dry cleaning. I started to walk away from the driver side when I was suddenly jerked backward. I couldn't imagine what the heck was going on. Then I saw it. When I shut the door by grasping the closed windows frame, as I slammed the door...
  3. S

    The devil’s attitude towards the commandments of God

    I suggest you misunderstand 1 John 1:9 Verses 1 through 3 tell us those points being revealed are the objects of the teaching not the subject. (see footnote a ). Which means, this is a teaching to those who are not yet in Christ and are therein sinners who sin and as such are condemned. 5.Now[l]...
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    Oh, I think it is very pertinent when we recall all of this criminality concerning the evidence on Hunter Biden's laptop. Pointing to Hunter's actions also point to his dad without whom he would not have benefited from them being Joe Biden at that time was vice president of the United States...
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

  6. S

    The devil’s attitude towards the commandments of God

    Isaiah 45:7 I am[a] the one who forms light and creates darkness;[b] the one who brings about peace and creates calamity.[c] I am the Lord, who accomplishes all these things.
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    When Jesus 'broke the rules'

    I'm munching a Caesar salad. Love pizza. Have you the pizza brand Screaming Sicilian in the stores there? One of the best frozen pizzas I've found. Generous on the toppings too. I usually have to add to but not with that one.
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    When Jesus 'broke the rules'

    I'm thinking of lasagna with a side of Caesar salad. Hungry? Me? Nooooo.
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    When Jesus 'broke the rules'

    Many of the dictates laid down by the temple elders prior to Jesus were of their own imagining. They conflated their iron fist command over the people with God's laws. Which is why I believe we have in Jesus a witness as to the difference. The Pharisaical law said one would be put to death...
  10. S

    When Jesus 'broke the rules'

    Are you Roman Catholic? I ask because prior to and after the Reformation, what are today called Protestants, Protest-ants with regard to RCC doctrine, Protestants were considered to believe in heresy. Maybe rather than be so condemning and immediately judgmental of our brother/sister, perhaps...
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    When Jesus 'broke the rules'

    If that were true with regard to the woman caught in adultery, Jesus would have then stepped aside after he used his finger and drew in the sand stone, and let her be stoned to death. He didn't. Instead he challenged her accusers that the first to be without sin cast that first stone at her...
  12. S

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    This didn't post to that post so here it is. The elders were of the church as pertains to the narrative in Acts itself. The Response to Peter’s Address Acts 2:37 Now when they heard this,[bz] they were acutely distressed[ca] and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “What should we do...
  13. S

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    There are different kinds of baptism in scripture. Are you aware?
  14. S

    The devil’s attitude towards the commandments of God

    Maybe it would help to identify what parts of the law Jesus fulfilled? Especially with his sacrifice as the last unblemished lamb on the sin altar/cross. Dual covenant theologies teach the old testament and God's law applies to Jews only. Some Christians, as we know, don't believe any part of...
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    The devil’s attitude towards the commandments of God

    Why just those options? :LOL:Levity.
  16. S

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    I can't say Jesus didn't baptize a single person in John 3. 22 After this,[au] Jesus and his disciples came into Judean territory, and there he spent time with them and was baptizing. I like where you go with your explanation after that though. And would ask you to consider the question, how...
  17. S

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    I would submit yes, there is. Firstly, in proper context of the whole of the chapter you first excerpt from in Acts 15 I believe we have to first consider that contrary to your order of posting scripture, Acts 11 events led to the Acts 15 debate. Acts 13 & 14 would also however, 11 is pertinent...
  18. S

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    I'm curious. Do you actually think before you type? Your question: do you or do you not preach that water baptism must be achieved to be born again? I answered: I don't preach. Your thinking when reading that in the personal as you posted and addressed for me to understand in context. So I...
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    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    I did not know they were of that following myself. I didn't see anything in their literature when searching for a biblical answer that would have led me to conclude they were four point Calvinists. Though I would wonder if that can be ascribed to John Calvin as Calvinism? John Calvin was a five...
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    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Now you have. You didn't earlier. From the link. Four-point Calvinism is also the official position of Got Questions Ministries, as we hold the view that the extent of the atonement was unlimited.