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  1. S

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    We're told even Satan can quote scripture. He's the deceiver, the liar, the antithesis of God's righteousness, the adversary of the Gospel truth. Don't discount that there is a force in this world that wants to warp the actual message of salvation by denying all parts of it on an individual...
  2. S

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    I understand you're incapable of keeping to an actual discussion wherein you read the persons words as written and don't corrupt them with your tainted darkness rewrite. Then have the nerve to charge that person whose words you corrupted to then account for having "said them". That's your burden...
  3. S

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    I think the reason anyone may live in fear is because of the fear easy believerism proponents instill in discussions like this. Believe and that's it. That's all. End of story. But that's not true. And we know it isn't true because of all those scriptures that pertain to other matters with...
  4. S

    Trump Outsmarts them again

    I don't Tweet or FB so I don't know about any of that. I'm not surprised though that it was all smoke and mirrors. That's why I said when I posted that new Twitter article that it appears they changed their mind. ;) If they arrive at that decision after locking down all accounts on Twitter so...
  5. S

    Comment by 'soggykitten' in media 'VID-20200515-WA0007.mp4'

    Hips around the world of women are now collectively groaning, "Noooooooooooo!" :LOL: That is some amazing cake artistry.
  6. S

    Comment by 'soggykitten' in media 'VID-20200407-WA0003.mp4'

    So precious. Especially at the end when he tries to drag the new bowl of her puppies toward him. She puts her paw on his wrist like, no, no, you can't have them. I won, remember? Don't touch!:love::LOL: Love the adorableness of pug dogs and puppies.
  7. S

    Comment by 'soggykitten' in media '0bf4b0ec16d4745857948a81d2df1388.mp4'

    The cat looks like they're thinking, "I live with this. Do you believe it?"
  8. S

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    Nicely put. Titus shows us that Baptism does not relate to what some term, works salvation. Paul saw Baptism as a sacrament.
  9. S

    The devil’s attitude towards the commandments of God

    No, Satan is not omnipresent only God is. However, you make a very interesting point there. Satan asked permission to sift Job. Would that mean Satan is permitted by God to tempt all people? What then of those scriptures, that of 2nd Corinthians 2, 1 Thessalonians 3, and others that speak of...
  10. S

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    Lord. You even close with your own words as if I in any way said that. As to John, I'll go with what Zondervan Academic observed. This with regard to the book of John written as the last in the literature comprising the new testament Gospel books and per fragment P52 dated to 110–130 A.D...
  11. S

    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    I prefer Scriptural Salvation. From Got Questions folks. Also addresses easy believerism. Less than 8 minutes.
  12. S

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    Oh, I did answer the pertinent questions as pertains to Baptism and John 3&4. As to your question as to me answering what are your own words and are nothing I've actually written? No I can't answer why you feel that is necessary to write your own words and then ask me to answer for them as you...
  13. S

    Trump Outsmarts them again

    If he's the most biblically literate on the site, yes. Looks like Twitter changed its mind. ;) Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey says it was wrong to block links to Joe Biden story
  14. S

    Trump Outsmarts them again

    I know someone and have for years who resigned from a shall we say policing agency in the federal government and because they would no longer tolerate the corruption nor work for James Comey. Never underestimate the power of partisan loyalty amid partisan loyalists. When Bill Clinton stated...
  15. S

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    Your words not mine once more. John 4:1 Now when Jesus[a] knew that the Pharisees[b] had heard that he[c] was winning[d] and baptizing more disciples than John 2 (although Jesus himself was not baptizing, but his disciples were),[e] 3 he left Judea and set out once more for Galilee.[f] FOOTNOTE...
  16. S

    The devil’s attitude towards the commandments of God

    That scripture in Job is speaking of Satan entering Heaven and having a conversation with God. Did you forget this scripture? 1 Peter 5:8 Be sober and alert. Your enemy the devil, like a roaring lion,[n] is on the prowl looking for someone[o] to devour. Footnote [n]1 Peter 5:8 sn This phrase...
  17. S

    The devil’s attitude towards the commandments of God

    It does if there is an agenda to contradict scripture using scripture on itself to that end. In this world there are many slanders levied against God's laws. One that is popular these days is that which says the Jews believed obedience to God's law would attain them salvation. That would...
  18. S

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    That water baptism is a work of righteousness? That you are equating Baptism to works salvation? I condemn your blasphemy with every fiber of my being. Titus 3 in no way supports that. Eternally grateful? For what? When you say such things and contradict the Lord himself. God help you. See...
  19. S

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    Your entire post is an example of boasting your own false doctrine to others. You misconstrue Baptism in the process and all to condemn and judge those who hold to the teachings of Christ as pertains to the Baptismal rite you dismiss as of import.
  20. S

    Did the apostles teach baptism?

    Perhaps God will help you capitalize his title before you think to judge any Christian here who does show that respect for our Creator.