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    (This is a true news story) New Orleans Archbishop condemns priest’s desecration of altar in ‘demonic’ sex act

    This is an update on the new altar mentioned in the OP article and the church itself. The old altar was removed and burned due to the obscene rites performed. Archbishop Aymond reconsecrates church, altar; calls priest’s acts ‘demonic’ Christine Bordelon October 12, 2020
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    When Jesus 'broke the rules'

    She'll return I'm sure. How sad that she is that way though. Prayers for her? I think she/he needs them. Don't you?
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    What is God's will for all men?

    Love God love one another.
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    The Pope Condones Same Sex Marriage

    From that article: Francis’s comment does nothing to alter Catholic doctrine, but it nonetheless represents a remarkable shift for a church that has fought against LGBT legal rights — with past popes calling same-sex unions inadmissible and deviant
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    But does follow the population control narrative. :(
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    If ND was still a blue state things would be very different there. It has gone from being blue to being a red state don't ya know. ;) A seismic shift: North Dakota turns from blue to red SAM EASTER Forum News Service Oct 7, 2020 Six states did not go into the lock down mode. And no surprise...
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    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Actually it is set on paper. At this point I believe you seek to offend Christians here. You have a problem with the actual gospel. What you're trying to do is interject a false gospel by dismissing what is actually written. As we can see. As may times as baptism has been pointed out in the...
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    What the bias media fails to inform people about with regard to the tests, that aren't at 100% as we know, is that just because someone tests positive, as Trump did, it doesn't mean they are actually infected with the Covid 19 virus. That doesn't fit the fear narrative that's being pimped with...
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    So we've derailed this Trump thread with Covid 19 and now we're being led to a new fork in the derail, the flat earth nonsense. It's sad that disrespect for Trump has to go that far. But it actually isn't showing disrespect for Trump....
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    When Jesus 'broke the rules'

    You're funny.
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    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Jesus did say that. It is a matter of versions of the bible. The book of Mark gives accounts of Jesus ministry. Some could say the Mark scriptures are the beginning of his ministry. That scripture I posted that you quoted is from the New American Standard 1977version Mark 16:15 “He who has...
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    When Jesus 'broke the rules'

    I don't understand what you're trying to say there. The first part of your post is from John 8. The second paragraph is from John 18:20. I see you added to your original post and that about the temple. There are two temples in the scripture as pertains to Jesus. The structure built by man, and...
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    The devil’s attitude towards the commandments of God

    I didn't say Jesus came only to save the Jews. With regard to your statement the old testament is wiped out by the new, I don't accept that. I know you've said you've studied for many years however I would ask you to consider you can still be wrong about things. The old testament is the...
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    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    You missed this? It's near the bottom of the article. Linked here again: Amyraldism, or four-point Calvinism, is popular today among many evangelicals, including independent Bible churches, Baptists, and some Presbyterians. Four-point Calvinism is...
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    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    What did Jesus say? He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. Baptism is a ordinance in the church. Just to preempt any question about that statement, the church being the body of believers in Christ. People can take that scripture...
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    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    That's simply providing information concerning Calvinism and Arminianism. Did you read the link where GQ states they are four point Calvinist? I didn't know this either until I read it.
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    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    What's sad here is that you warp what I said with your own odd imagination. And then presume to tell me you'll pray for my misunderstanding. I'll pray for myself thanks. And I'm female not male. What male would call themselves soggy kitten? If you think Baptism is works salvation we should all...
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    Lordship salvation vs. "easy believism"

    Do you have a link to that? This was shared by ThroughFaith earlier.
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    When Jesus 'broke the rules'

    Never thought of that one. I love Frenched green beans though.
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    The devil’s attitude towards the commandments of God

    I would suggest you cannot state the book of Job is literal as pertains to the hedge and then enter Ecclesiastes 10:8 and suggest there is a metaphor there as pertains to the wall. Some kind of barrier. It may help all of us if you told us the answer to this. Do you believe all of the...