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  1. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    I have not said anything to suggest that Jesus was a law breaker or that people like me in his time he was a law breaker, so you're making that up.
  2. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    Please don't make up things and try to insert them into my mouth, but address what I've said instead. Indeed, Jesus spent his ministry teaching his followers to obey the Mosaic Law by word and by example and he did not establish the New Covenant in order to undermine anything that he spent...
  3. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    I did not argue that evil is equivalent to goodness or that there is from before all things a force of evil equivalent to God, so you're just randomly making things up at this point. Again, there is a difference between what something is and whether it is currently happening. Death remains...
  4. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    The Israelites were given a number of laws while they were still wandering the wilderness for 40 years that had the condition "when you enter the land...", so there is nothing wrong with not following laws that don't have their conditions met, though we should nevertheless be faithful to obey...
  5. S

    Where does the justification for The New Testament doers of the law in Romans 2:13 originate from?

    Jesus embodied the Mosaic Law by living in sinless obedience to it. While there is a difference between a set of instructions and someone who is the embodiment of those instructions, there is nevertheless a direct correlation. In Matthew 5:17-19, Jesus said that he came to fulfill the law in...
  6. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    The Bible repeatedly speaks about walking out the Mosaic Law, so that is what 1 John 2:6 is not saying that those who are in Christ are obligated to walk on water, but that we are obligated to walk in obedience to the Mosaic Law, especially because the Mosaic Law is God's instructions for how to...
  7. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    You're not bothering to distinguish between what something is and whether it is still happening. What faithlessness s remains the same even where there is no one who is faithless and the same goes with sin and death. The fact that God's nature is eternal means that the things that are in...
  8. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    I've not walked on water. How is that relevant to what I said?
  9. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    In Romans 7:25-8:2, Paul contrasted the Law of God with the law of sin and contrasted the Law of the Spirit of Life with the law of sin and death, so he equated the Law of God with the Law of the Spirit of Life, and the Law of Moses is referred to as being the Law of God in verses like Nehemiah...
  10. S

    Where does the justification for The New Testament doers of the law in Romans 2:13 originate from?

    The veil was preventing people who read OT Scripture from seeing that the goal of everything in Scripture is to teach us how to know Jesus, though it is a veil that works both ways by preventing you form seeing the same thing. All of God's righteous laws are eternal (Psalms 119:160), so they...
  11. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    The fact that no one will commit sin doesn't change the fact that sin will remain what is against God's eternal nature.
  12. S

    Where does the justification for The New Testament doers of the law in Romans 2:13 originate from?

    In Deuteronomy 30:11-20, it says that God's law is not too difficult for us to keep and that keeping it brings life and a blessing while not keeping it brings death and a curse, so choose life! So do you agree that God's law is not too difficult to obey and that we should choose life and a...
  13. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    Our salvation is from sin (Matthew 1:21) and sin is the transgression of God's law (1 John 3:4), so living in obedience to God's law is not something external to salvation that we need to do first in order to have it, or that maintains it, or that is evidence of it, but rather living in...
  14. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    The fact that the way to act in accordance with God's nature is eternal means that the way to not act in accordance with God's nature is also eternal. This is unrelated to what prevents another fall or to a potentially infinite recurrence of sin and death or saying that evil is equivalent to...
  15. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    Sin existing eternally is part of what it means for God's nature being eternal. In other words, God's nature being eternal means that it will always be a sin to commit adultery, so that is not a purpose that hell serves.
  16. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    There is a difference between sin existing in the sense of it being a sin to commit adultery and not existing in the sense that no one is committing adultery it heaven. The fact that God's commandments are written on our hears means that sin exists in the sense that it is a sin to not follow them.
  17. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    People will not continue to practice adultery, but it is not that does not mean that it will no longer be a sin to commit adultery. It would be meaningless for God to be good if there were no longer anything that defines what is and is not good, this fact in no way besmirches God's holy name...
  18. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    Yes, there will be sin in heaven in the sense that that what is contrary God's eternal nature will still define what it is, but not in the sense that people will continue to practice sin.
  19. S

    Where does the justification for The New Testament doers of the law in Romans 2:13 originate from?

    Again, in Deuteronomy 4:2, it is a sin to add to or subtract from the law, so if what you said was true, then Jesus was a sinner and not our Savior, though what you said is false. The Mosaic Law instructs that both the man and the woman accused of committing adultery be brought before a judge...