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  1. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    God's nature is eternal, so the way to act in a way that is contrary to God's nature will exists for as long as God's nature remains eternal. For example, it has always been and will always be a sin to commit adultery. It's hard to speak about what life would be like if time were no more or...
  2. S

    Where does the justification for The New Testament doers of the law in Romans 2:13 originate from?

    The position that you will be cursed if you live under God's law is the position that God gave the law with the goal of cursing His children, which is expressing an extremely negative view of God when in reality His law was given for our own good in order to bless us (Deuteronomy 6:24...
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    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    Why do you think that it is a logical fallacy and that it goes directly against what Scripture teaches? God's righteousness is eternal (Psalms 119:142), therefore all of God's righteous laws are also eternal (Psalms 119:160), which means that the way to sin by doing what is unrighteous is also...
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    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    God's nature is eternal and sin is what is contrary to God's nature, so sin is therefore also eternal. For as long God's nature has eternally existed, there has also existed a way to act in accordance with or contrary to His nature, and that way is defined through His law. Sin is the...
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    What is the difference between the old and new covenant?

    The OT does speak about grace and faith, so it is not good to act like these concepts weren't invented until the New Covenant. For example, in Psalms 119:29-30, he wanted to put false ways far from him, for God to be gracious to him by teaching him to obey the Torah, and he chose the way of...
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    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    All of God's righteous laws are eternal (Psalms 119:160), so all of them existed before they were given as part of the Mosaic Covenant, and there are many examples of them being in place prior to when that covenant was made, one of which is that Joseph knew that it was a sin to commit adultery...
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    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    Which you did by misrepresenting my argument. Joseph is an example of someone who was obligated to refrain from committing adultery even though he wasn't under the Mosaic Covenant, so my point still stands that not being under the Mosaic Covenant does not mean that we are not under any of its...
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    Where does the justification for The New Testament doers of the law in Romans 2:13 originate from?

    In Jeremiah 31:33, it uses the Hebrew word "Torah", which refers to the Mosaic Law, so you are quibbling. In Deuteronomy 4:2, it is a sin to add to or subtract from the Mosaic Law, so if Jesus had tried to raise the bar, then he would have sinned and disqualified himself from being our Savior...
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    Where does the justification for The New Testament doers of the law in Romans 2:13 originate from?

    I try to cite the Bible as often as I can to show that I am not just making things up, but that I have studied the subject matter and am basing my position on Scripture. Hypothetically, I could intentionally misrepresent verses, take them out of context, or just throw out random verse citations...
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    What is the difference between the old and new covenant?

    In Genesis 6:8-9, Noah was described as righteous long before Calvary and the same is true of many other people in the Bible. Character traits are not something that are earned as the result of having first done them for a certain amount, but rather the only way to attain a character trait is...
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    Matt. 5: 21-48. What does Christ mean when He says “you have heard, but I tell you?

    Jeremiah 31:33 uses the Hebrew word "Torah", which refers to the Mosaic Law. I could have alternatively said that following the Torah is not one of ways in which the Mosaic and New Covenants are distinct, so your point falls flat. God sovereign, so He isn't required to make contracts that we...
  12. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    That is a straw man. In Genesis 39:9, Joseph knew that it was a sin to commit adultery long before the Mosaic Covenant was made, so not being under the Mosaic Covenant does not mean that we are not under any of its laws. Not even Jesus obeyed the laws in regard to giving birth or to having a...
  13. S

    Matt. 5: 21-48. What does Christ mean when He says “you have heard, but I tell you?

    Again, in Exodus 20:6, God wanted His people to love Him and obey His commandments, so obedience to God's law has always been a manner of the heart and has never been just about our outward behavior.
  14. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    Again, all of God's laws were given to teach us how to act in accordance with different aspects of His nature. Again, in Romans 7:12, God's law is holy, righteous, and good, and in Matthew 23:23, justice, mercy, and faithfulness are weightier matters of the law, and it could not accurately be...
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    Matt. 5: 21-48. What does Christ mean when He says “you have heard, but I tell you?

    Copying Jesus is copying the fruits of the Spirit that he expressed in obedience to the Mosaic Law. The Mosaic Law is spiritual (Romans 7:14), so it was never intended to be obeyed apart from expressing aspects of God's nature.
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    Matt. 5: 21-48. What does Christ mean when He says “you have heard, but I tell you?

    Hello, A covenant is essentially a serious agreement between two parties about what they will do, so the "I do" has nothing to do with boasting, just two people getting married with an "I do" has nothing to do with boasting. In Deuteronomy 30:11-16, it says that God's law is not too difficult...
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    What is the difference between the old and new covenant?

    In Psalms 119:29-30, he wanted to put false ways far from him, for God to be gracious to him by teaching him to obey the Mosaic Law, and he chose the way of faith by setting it before him, so that is what it means to be under grace, the Mosaic Law is the Law of Faith, and this has always been...
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    Matt. 5: 21-48. What does Christ mean when He says “you have heard, but I tell you?

    Christ set a sinless example for us to follow of how to walk in obedience to the Mosaic Law and we are told to follow Christ's example (1 Peter 2:21-22), that those who are in Christ are obligated to walk in the same way he walked (1 John 2:6), and to be imitators of Paul as he is an imitator of...
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    Matt. 5: 21-48. What does Christ mean when He says “you have heard, but I tell you?

    I agree that they are distinct covenants, though Jeremiah 31:33 says that the New Covenant involves God putting the Mosaic Law in our minds and writing it on our heats, so following the Mosaic Law is not one of the ways in which they are distinct. All of God's covenants are made with the same...
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    Matt. 5: 21-48. What does Christ mean when He says “you have heard, but I tell you?

    Psalms 103:7 He made known his ways to Moses, his acts to the people of Israel. Furthermore, there are many other verses that describe the Mosaic Law as being God's way, such as Deuteronomy 10:12-13, Isaiah 2:2-3, Joshua 22:5, Psalms 119:1-3, and many others. The Mosaic Law is God's way, the...