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  1. S

    Works and Salvation

    No, you ignored what I said and made a point that I made three times in the OP.
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    Works and Salvation

    How about addressing the content of what I said in the OP instead of ignoring everything that I've said?
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    Works and Salvation

    In Ephesians 2:8-10, we are new creations in Christ to do good works, so while Paul denied that that we can earn our salvation as the result of our works lest anyone should boast, doing good works is nevertheless intrinsically part of our salvation from not doing good works. The content of a...
  4. S

    Works and Salvation

    I denied there time that we are required to earn our salvation as the results of our works, so doing good works as nothing to do with trying to do enough to get there.
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    Works and Salvation

    I denied three times that we can earn our salvation as the result of our works, you've done a marvelous job of missing my point. God teaching us how to have to experience doing good works is intrinsically the content of His gift of saving us from having the experience of not doing good works...
  6. S

    Works and Salvation

    There is a sense of works that we are required to have done first in order to earn something as a wage that is different from the sense of works that are intrinsically required to have the experience of doing something. For example, there is a difference between work that someone is required to...
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    Problem with Teaching 'Religion' is Bad.

    It is absurd for you to consider me to be a false teacher for holding the position that followers of the God of Israel should follow what He has commanded in accordance with the example that Jesus set for us to follow. In Jeremiah 31:33, the New Covenant involves God putting the Torah in our...
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    My Husband had a stroke

    I'm sorry that that happened to you. My dad had a minor stroke a few years ago, but was eventually was able to mostly recover, but he is slower to recall information and had to retire. My mom ate a super healthy diet, but she passed away rapidly from cancer, so it is weird how these things...
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    Problem with Teaching 'Religion' is Bad.

    The New Covenant involves God putting the Torah in our minds and writing it on our hearts (Jeremiah 31:33), so if someone wants nothing to do with following the Torah, then they want nothing to do with being under the New Covenant. The Mosaic Covenant is eternal (Exodus 31:14-17, Leviticus...
  10. S

    Problem with Teaching 'Religion' is Bad.

    Nothing that you quoted said anything against follow the religion that Jesus practiced, so you're still avoiding the issue. We can't follow Jesus by refusing to follow his example. In Deuteronomy 30:11-20, it says that God's law is not too difficult for us to keep and that keeping it brings...
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    Problem with Teaching 'Religion' is Bad.

    You avoided answering my question. In regard to the verses you quoted, they do not use the word "only". God's holy days are foreshadows of what is to come, so we should live in a way that testifies about what is to come by continuing to observe them rather than a way that denies the truth of...
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    Problem with Teaching 'Religion' is Bad.

    Why do you want to follow Jesus while not wanting to follow the religion that he practiced?
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    Our salvation is from sin (Matthew 1:21) and it is by the Torah that we know what sin is (Romans 3:20), so while obedience to it is not a precondition for salvation, being a doer of the Torah is a condition because it is intrinsically part of what the content of God's gift of salvation is. If...
  14. S

    Where does the justification for The New Testament doers of the law in Romans 2:13 originate from?

    The Mosaic Law is God's way, so are you now in favor of obeying it? The Spirit also has the role of leading us to obey the Mosaic Law (Ezekiel 36:26-27). Yes, Jesus is God. There is difference between a set of instructions for how to act in accordance with God nature and Jesus insofar as...
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    Where does the justification for The New Testament doers of the law in Romans 2:13 originate from?

    Enoch walked in God's way (Genesis 5:24), Noah walked in God's way (Genesis 6:8-9), Abraham walked in God's way (Genesis 18:19), Moses walked in God's way (Exodus 33:13), Jesus walked in God's way (John 14:6), and there are many verses that describe the Mosaic Law as being God's way (Deuteronomy...
  16. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    Why does it make sense to you to think that we can follow a principle, but not the things that are examples of a principle that were given to teach us how to follow it? In Revelation 2:20, it also speaks against eating food offered to idols, so that is not permitted in the NT either in...
  17. S

    Where does the justification for The New Testament doers of the law in Romans 2:13 originate from?

    The Hebrew word "yada" refers to intimate relational knowledge gained through experience, such in Genesis 4:1, Adam knew (yada) Eve, she conceived, and gave birth to Cain. The whole Bible is essentially about building of kingdom of citizens who yada God by walking in His way through spreading...
  18. S

    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    In Deuteronomy 30:11-20, it says that the Mosaic Law is not too difficult to obey and that obedience to it brings life and a blessing while disobedience brings death and a curse, and Romans 10:5-8 cites that passage as the word of faith that we proclaim, so if Acts 15:10-11 had been describing...
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    The Commandments of God (according to scripture)

    Jesus is God's word made flesh, so he is not greater or lesser than God's word.
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    Where does the justification for The New Testament doers of the law in Romans 2:13 originate from?

    Did the God of Israel teach the Israelites how to have an intimate relationship with Him or do you think that th Israelites had no idea how to do that? If the God of Israel did do that, then should those who want to have an intimate relationship with Him follow those instructions?