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  1. S

    A covenant is a promise. Did God cancel His first promise?

    The veil was preventing them from seeing that the goal of everything in Scripture is to testify about how to know Jesus, which is a veil that works both ways by preventing many Christians from seeing the same thing. In John 5:46, Jesus asked if they don't believe what Moses wrote, the how can...
  2. S

    A covenant is a promise. Did God cancel His first promise?

    I agree that the Hebrew word used can refer to either to "eternal" or to "an extended period of time", so the easy way to tell which is which is whether we should consider God's promises in connection with the Mosaic Covenant to be eternal or temporary. The Hebrews word "yada" refers to...
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    Works and Salvation

    The faith of Christ is in the character of God and faith in Christ is in the character of God, so while the person who has the faith is the different, the object of our faith is the same, and it is the object of our faith that justifies. The way have faith in God’s righteousness to guide us in...
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    Works and Salvation

    God's commandments are His instructions for how to believe in Jesus, so that is synonymous, such as why there being many verses that say that the way to have eternal life is by obeying God's commandments and many verses that say that the way to have eternal life is by believing in Jesus. In...
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    Works and Salvation

    I just showed that they are the same. In Proverbs 3:5-7, we have a choice between whether we are going to lean on our own understanding of right and wrong by doing what is right in our own eyes or whether we are going to trust God with all of our heart to correctly divide between right and...
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    Works and Salvation

    The content of a free gift can itself be the experience of doing something, such as giving someone the opportunity to experience driving a Ferrari for an hour, where the gift requires them to do the work of driving it in order to have that experience, but where doing that work does not detract...
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    A covenant is a promise. Did God cancel His first promise?

    No. The Mosaic Covenant is eternal (Exodus 33:14-17, Leviticus 24:8), so the only way that it can be replaced by the New Covenant is if the New Covenant includes everything that it does plus more, which is what it means to make something obsolete (Hebrews 8:13). This is why the New Covenant...
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    Works and Salvation

    Jesus expressed his faith by living in obedience to the Law of Moses, and the way to have faith in Jesus is by living in obedience to the Law of Moses, so the faith of Jesus has an identical content to faith in Jesus. While we do not earn our justification as the result of having obeyed the Law...
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    Works and Salvation

    made the case that "the Law of God" refers to "the Law of Moses", though I agree that "the law" is often used to refer to categories of law other than "the Law of God/Moses", such as "works of the law" and "the law of sin". In Acts 5:32, the Spirit has been given to those who obey God, so...
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    Works and Salvation

    Embodying a command is synonymous with living in obedience to it. To say that Jesus is God's word made flesh is to say that he is the embodiment of God's word, that he is God's word in human form, or that he is the personification of God's word. Our goal to should be to be like Christ by...
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    Works and Salvation

    God commanded His law, so that is the work of God. Our salvation is from transgressing the Mosaic Law, so I don't see how you can deny that there is a link between them. If you grace that works are connected to faith and that faith is connected to salvation, then again I don't see how you...
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    Works and Salvation

    In Psalms 119:29-30, he wanted to put false ways far from him, for God to be gracious to him by teaching him to obey the Mosaic Law, and he chose the way of faith by setting it before him, so this has always been the one and only way of salvation by grace through faith. So I am not adding works...
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    Works and Salvation

    God did not give His law in order to put His children into slavery, but to teach us how to live as people who have been freed from slavery. If God freed His children out of slavery in Egypt in order to put us into slavery to His law, then it would be for slavery that God sets us free, however...
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    Works and Salvation

    While it is true that no amount of works can earn our salvation (Romans 4:1-5), it is also true that only doers of the law will be justified (Romans 2:13), so there must be a reason why our justification requires us to choose to be doers of the law other than in order to earn it as a wage...
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    Works and Salvation

    By "the gift of His law" I was referring to the gift of the 613 commandments, not to just the decalogue. God's law instructs His people, not just the decalogue. The Law of Moses is referred to as the Law of God in verses like Nehemiah 8:1-8, Ezra 7:6-12, and Luke 2:22-23, so verses that speak...
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    Works and Salvation

    You're talking in circles rather than addressing what I said. I agree that James meant exactly what he said, though I do not think that you correctly understand what he said. Breaking any law makes us as guilty as if we have broken them all in the sense that breaking any law causes us to...
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    Works and Salvation

    Salvation from continuing to live in sin is something that is happening in the present and what it looks like is living in obedience to God's law. Asking for a percentage of our contribution vs that of Jesus is completely missing the point of what the gift of salvation is. No amount of doing...
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    Works and Salvation

    The Torah has 613 laws and Jeremiah 31:33 says that the New Covenant involves the Torah being written on our hearts.
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    the Sabbath

    All of God's righteous laws are eternal (Psalms 119:160), not just ten of them, so they have all been with God from Creation. All of God's laws have the same moral authority regardless of whether God wrote them or God told Moses to write them (Deuteronomy 5:31-33). Moreover, the Law of Moses...
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    Is this doctrine an apostasy?

    Someone can still be an obeyer of God through faith even if they are prevented from doing that.