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  1. ChrisTillinen

    Dad jokes

    If our ancestors knew that Mormons are getting baptized on their behalf, would they turn in their graves?
  2. ChrisTillinen

    Is Incorrect Doctrine an Idol?

    Even believing Christians (I'd say probably all of us, but at least the vast majority) are bound to have some false beliefs about God. This seems to be the necessary consequence of the fact that even true Christians tend to disagree to an extent on many topics that involve beliefs about God...
  3. ChrisTillinen

    Christian Rock and Metal

    Here's a Finnish Christmas song that starts as relatively mellow but morphs into something like metal or hard rock at around 2 minutes (this is part of an event that presents Christmas songs in "heavier" style after all). I'll add my own translation of the lyrics below. Night falls on the...
  4. ChrisTillinen

    Any other pirates out there? Fighting for the Faith? :)

    I don't know about that... :D
  5. ChrisTillinen

    Christmas Desserts!

    Traditional Finnish star-shaped Christmas tarts. I've eaten a lot of these. Haven't really ever made any of them all by myself, although it shouldn't be difficult if you use ready-made puff pastry sheets. The most common filling is prune jam, although there are many other options that some...
  6. ChrisTillinen

    The Lamb and the Shepherds, Wisdom and His Seekers

    I haven't had the time to write any new poems recently. But here's a video version of this Christmas poem I wrote last year.
  7. ChrisTillinen

    Thread Mash-ups

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him? Random Acts of Kindness ----- I am NOT happy! The Greatest depression is coming, are you ready?
  8. ChrisTillinen

    Christian Rock and Metal

    I don't know how meaningful this is to anyone who doesn't understand Finnish (so roughly 100% of you, I guess). But this is a regular Finnish hymn that one might sing in church, only it's arranged in metal/hard rock style. I'll post a quick translation (basically tidied-up autotranslate) below...
  9. ChrisTillinen

    dumb questions I was emailed

    I read the first few questions thinking "these aren't really dumb questions". But it was downhill from there. I'm not a YEC, so my answers probably wouldn't work for your purposes. Except "grow up" would be an appropriate response to so some of the questions regardless of one's view of origins.
  10. ChrisTillinen

    Give me bad advice...

    Or wear a dress/suit made of raw meat slices.
  11. ChrisTillinen

    Christ's Perfection In Us

    I don't know if I thought of it like that, but yes, that's one way to look at it. Some early church fathers called Christ "the Divine Physician".
  12. ChrisTillinen

    Christ's Perfection In Us

    Here's a video version of this poem:
  13. ChrisTillinen

    UFOs are real!

    If one wants to speculate about intelligent life on other planets but to avoid the potential theological difficulties with the fall to (and redemption from) sin of non-descendants of Adam, here's one intriguing (although probably false) possibility. Genesis 5:24 "Enoch walked faithfully with...
  14. ChrisTillinen

    Dad jokes

    Why is Satan so worried when he looks at his planted herbs? . . . . He knows that the harvest is coming soon, and his thyme is short.
  15. ChrisTillinen

    Promises of the Covenant

    I'm glad you enjoyed the poem. Yes, I often try to find evocative words that hint at parts of the Bible and Christian doctrine that are not directly mentioned in the poem. And sometimes that just happens almost subconsciously so that it's not always even clear to me how much of it I planned. I...
  16. ChrisTillinen

    Thread Mash-ups

    How can one learn? Educational program for our church ----- UFOs are real! Anyone battling anxiety/panic disorder?
  17. ChrisTillinen

    Promises of the Covenant

    This video took longer to make than most of the others, and I like the result, so perhaps I'll break my own "rule" and post it here in the original thread as well, and not just in the Poetry Videos thread. I also made some small changes with the aim of adding clarity.
  18. ChrisTillinen

    Poetry Videos

    New video.
  19. ChrisTillinen

    Near death experiences - what is the light?

    Just more or less random thoughts on the subject, mostly the issue of why would non-Christians have positive near-death experiences, why they might not report their experience in Christian terms if it really is Jesus that they encountered, etc. 1. It was not their time for judgement because...