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    First - you seem to think I'm an atheist. I don't know how you got to that. I reiterate - although many atheists may believe as you say - many may well be mentally ill - atheists on the whole do NOT believe this - or "try to defend it".
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    Some people have good reason to act like that if their circumstances are genuinely hard to deal with. Maybe you, p_rehbein, are hard-hearted and unsympathetic to those in worse situations than you.
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    ...and happiness to you in the future. My point entirely stands. You say, according to "atheist ideology", we are "a meaningless bunch of cells"/ "without any moral grounds". I find this odious. However we got here, we are thoughtful human beings - WITH meaning in our lives. Do you think...
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    So atheists are immoral anarchists, are they? Going around killing, stealing, etc.? I don't think so! I was not brought up in a religious home. I didn't have biblical direction. I didn't do these things. How on Earth did I manage this?! I suspect the idea of not judging others without...
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    Are you indirectly saying, if you didn't believe in God, you would not "know right from wrong" and set off on a life of self-centered, uncaring anarchy? I'm asking you the same question. How did I not do the same thing? I was not brought up in a religious home. I don't know if I saw the...
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    Blood - Is this one thing the Jehovah's Witnesses have got right?

    Man was ordered to drain the blood when preparing meat, because "the life is in the blood". Seemingly this was reiterated in Acts (I think in 15 and 27). This seems never to have been repealed. Is it still enforced today? I'd be interested in others' opinions.
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    Judas' death

    That's what I thought - "his bowels gushed out" post-death" (it never happens pre-death on any football game game I've witnessed!).
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    Judas' death

    I haven't a Bible with me at the moment, but I thought it was made clear that Judas hanged himself.
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    We use the power of reason to assess truth.
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    I heard, rightly or wrongly, that the "sons of God" were human males from the "righteous line" and the "sons on man" were human males from the "unrighteous line". This see⅞ms to make far more sense than the idea of heavenly-dwelling beings being attractive to and having sex with humans.
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    Judas' death

    Is there a contradiction in the 2 accounts of Judas Iscariot's death. Some say he died from hanging; some say he died from his stomach being ruptured. I think the latter is almost impossible. In the entirety of televised rugby/ football matches, no-one has been killed by falling over and...
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    Can homisexuals be saved?

    What I meant was - Paul saying "Such were some of you." doesn't necessarily mean that some of the Corinthian church were previously homosexuals. Consider the context. Paul was pointing out that the congregation was acting like the World. Some were committing immoral acts like having sex...
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    Once saved always saved (OSAS) debunked

    I'm somewhat baffled by the idea that people can tell others' condition by their works. Is this really true? Even Judas Iscariot seemed genuine. After Jesus pretty much identified him at a meal, His disciples apparently didn't suspect him.
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    Can homisexuals be saved?

    Of course. The Bible makes it clear that homosexuality is in itself a sin.
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    Can homisexuals be saved?

    1Cor6 is in contention. I've covered this before. It doesn't necessarily say that homosexuals were included in the Corinthian church.
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    Can homisexuals be saved?

    That's something I've noticed - I don't know whether or not it's irrevocable.
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    Once saved always saved (OSAS) debunked

    I meant to say "his" understanding.
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    Once saved always saved (OSAS) debunked

    More like - "I hate being deemed a sinner by God and his people, but I'm going to avail myself of His redemptive plan and maintain my attitude (in the understanding of the matter).
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    Thoughts on Evolution and its compatibility/incompatibility with Christianity?

    I can't see how Christianity can be compatible with Evolution - for the following reasons:- "Evolution happened" over millions of years. The Bible says that Adam and Eve were created "in one fell swoop". No mention of them coming from a lineage of evolving creatures. Many people claim to...
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    Once saved always saved (OSAS) debunked

    I'd like to repeat an old point: - From what certain people have said, it seems they believe that once someone believes that Christ has been risen, he is eternally saved no matter what happens afterwards. Suppose a man receives the words of salvation, but has no love for God and actively hates...