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  1. NOV25

    Divorce in Catholicism on grounds of adultery

    My friend, Deuteronomy gives permission for remarriage. In other words, thus sayeth the Lord, she may become another man’s wife… Luke 16:18 ESV states everyone who divorces and remarries is guilty. This is a clear contradiction.
  2. NOV25

    Divorce in Catholicism on grounds of adultery

    My friend, I’m enjoying this conversation, thank you. “Is it a punishable offense to agree with Shammai?” I asked this question because you mentioned Matthew 19 and Mark 10 were about the debate between Hillel and Shammai. Follow me now, Matthew 19 and Mark 10 records the Pharisees...
  3. NOV25

    Divorce in Catholicism on grounds of adultery

    Luke 16:17-18 ESV [17] But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one dot of the Law to become void. Then Jesus voids Deuteronomy 24:1-4 in the very next verse?👇 [18] “Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced...
  4. NOV25

    Divorce in Catholicism on grounds of adultery

    1 Corinthians 7:27-27 Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed (lusis: divorced). Art thou loosed (luo: put away) from a wife? seek not a wife. But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but...
  5. NOV25

    Divorce in Catholicism on grounds of adultery

    @presidente thanks for your responses, happy to find someone who has obviously spent as much time in this topic as I have. Some questions that come to mind while reading your posts. Some of them may sound silly but they’re worth a ponder. Was it a punishable offense to agree with Shammai on...
  6. NOV25

    Divorce in Catholicism on grounds of adultery

    If you look a little closer, step out of the modern English translations into the original languages, you may arrive at a different conclusion. I know it’s difficult challenging your own understanding, especially when you’ve seen it a certain way for decades, it was for me at least. But if...
  7. NOV25

    Divorce in Catholicism on grounds of adultery

    You and me both. 🤣 But seriously, the reason verse 32 seems confusing is likely because of a mistranslation/misunderstanding. Did you know that for thousands of years Jewish men have sent away their wives without a divorce certificate then often marry another woman? However, the woman sent...
  8. NOV25

    What is Salvation?

    You and I have been back and forth for years now so I don’t necessarily respond for you but to those who haven’t been completely hardened. Once again, your double mindedness is revealed. Which is it, the power of God or the power of man’s response? Let me ask it this way, does your all...
  9. NOV25

    What is Salvation?

    One of satan’s favorite lies is man’s ability to do the impossible.
  10. NOV25


    You're not alone. ——> Link
  11. NOV25

    10 Questions about OSAS

  12. NOV25

    How can one learn?

    This site is a perfect sampling of modern “Christendom”. Most have no clue because they hear not the shepherd and they avoid proper labor because they hate the light. It’s awful but, we can find comfort even in the majority’s heresy because the sovereign Christ foretold it. All is according to...
  13. NOV25

    How can this be?

    Nobody is talking about Calvin or anything even related to soteriology so where did that come from? Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks and yours is looking for a fight apparently. Once again your hatred for Calvin(ists) reveals your ignorance. To the rest, claiming the most...
  14. NOV25

    How can this be?

    As you know, scripture speaks more of remnants, the few whom God keeps, rather than following the majority. That being said, Catholicism is the largest, Pentecostalism is the fastest growing and these two are becoming fast friends over the past decade. No surprise really, water always seeks...
  15. NOV25

    How can this be?

    Matthew 7:13-23 [13] “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. [14] For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. [15] “Beware of false prophets, who come to...
  16. NOV25

    Works for Salvation: Humility

    Let me go ahead and say this quick because you’ll likely be reported and banned soon. It is the natural state of unregenerate man to work for his salvation. Please let this sink in.
  17. NOV25

    Works for Salvation: Humility

    Nope. We won’t find works salvation taught anywhere in scripture, less we misunderstand or twist the scripture. Verse 3 essentially states, in conversion (aka regeneration, new birth etc.) we become as little children that enter into the kingdom. In other words, it is the conversion performed...
  18. NOV25

    True Pic of John the Baptist's murderess. Studies show 75% of Evangelical youth leave the faith. The reason is they don't believe the Bible is true.

    The prodigal son’s Father didn’t plead with the boy to stay, in fact, he gave him money so he could go. Was dad heartless or indifferent? No, we can assume he was heartbroken by the way he responds when the boy returns repentant. Perhaps it’s best if we stop trying to thwart the exodus and...
  19. NOV25

    Are gifts evidence of salvation?

    Joel 2 The Day of the LORD [1] Blow a trumpet in Zion; sound an alarm on my holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming; it is near, [2] a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness...