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  1. NOV25

    I need counsel!!! Is love wrong between friends and family?

    This isn’t the best place to find your answers, many false Christians here. Find a biblical church and ask the elders.
  2. NOV25

    Can I call myself a Christian if I'm unsure I'm born again

    Scripture and prayer, spend all your free time in scripture and prayer. Find a good local church that preaches the bible verse by verse, learn from the elders there. Take what you read here with a grain of salt, there’s many deceived/deceivers on this site.
  3. NOV25


    For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears 2 Tim. 4:3
  4. NOV25


    I agree with you wholeheartedly, the vast majority of “Christians” worldwide have no clue what synergism is (even though they themselves are synergistic). The Lord himself warns you all, do not follow the majority down the broad road to hell. Repent and believe the gospel of God. Matthew...
  5. NOV25


    Kick against it all you want, doesn’t change the fact that all apostate churches (and satanic religions) are synergistic. Catholic Church condemned Palgianism and semi pelagianism officially but quickly became semi Pelagian in practice. We’ve seen what 1500 years of semi-pelagianism has...
  6. NOV25


    I’m simply pointing out the common denominator of all false teachers/“churches”. They’re all synergistic. In other words, even if they affirm the Trinity and Christ’s deity but teach synergism of some form, you’ll likely find some other blatant heresy. All satan’s forms of counterfeit...
  7. NOV25


    They’re not lost sheep, they’re goats and ravenous wolves. But I agree with you both, no Christian is following these pagan religionists, at least not for long. Christ said, because I tell you the truth, you do not believe me, you cannot hear me, you are sons of satan… These false proclaimers...
  8. NOV25

    New to bible where do I start?

    Your time is better spent in the word than on here, this place is a mixed bag of sheep and wolves.
  9. NOV25

    Believe in Jesus, reject the Bible, is it even possible?

    If she knows how to read but doesn’t love to read scripture there is definitely something wrong. Read 1st John, there’s an abundance of proofs there to give assurance to believers but can also be used in your situation.
  10. NOV25

    New to bible where do I start?

    Start in Matthew. I mostly read the New Testament over and over, Matthew through Revelation. Occasionally I’ll drop back and read through the Old Testament but I end up missing Jesus and the early church, so I jump back to Matthew 😆
  11. NOV25

    Arminianism: The Road to Rome

    I see… The age old OSAS Arminian dichotomy. Man has the power to believe in God but, God must keep him believing…
  12. NOV25

    Arminianism: The Road to Rome

    As stated, the quiz is meant for fun. The wording was sufficient to get the desired result apparently. I would ask you though, how should they have worded the quiz? 1. “Do you believe Ephesians 2:8? yes or no” I don’t think the results would have varied much 😁
  13. NOV25

    Arminianism: The Road to Rome

    Synergism In Christian theology, synergism is the belief that salvation involves some form of cooperation between divine grace and human freedom. Synergism is upheld by the Roman Catholic Church, Orthodox Churches, Anabaptist Churches and Methodist Churches.[1][2][3][4] It is an integral part...
  14. NOV25

    Arminianism: The Road to Rome

    If evangelical Christians understood fully their Arminianistic soteriology they would damn the heresy more vehemently than some Calvinists…
  15. NOV25

    Arminianism: The Road to Rome

    “All Arminians wish to say emphatically that salvation is given by the free grace of God. However, their next step undermines this confession. They so qualify this grace and so vehemently defend man's participation in salvation, that they naturally fall into the old semi-Pelagian heresy of...
  16. NOV25

    5 Points of Arminianism

    Another interesting one @PennEd
  17. NOV25

    Arminianism: The Road to Rome

    Our purpose is clear. 2 Cor. 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the...
  18. NOV25

    Arminianism: The Road to Rome

    I think some people like to argue without picking a side, safer for them that way.
  19. NOV25

    Arminianism: The Road to Rome

    My point exactly, you don’t understand the conversation fully. I stated that all “Christians” land somewhere on the Calvin | Arminian spectrum (soteriologically speaking). This statement isn’t up for debate, there is no “none of the above” option. There are no other soteriological positions...