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  1. E

    Baptism should accompany confessions of faith

    I was going to ask the same.. I do nto know of any church that does nto baptize
  2. E

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    For clarity. JD Vance once claimed he was a never trumper. Then things changed his mind 1. He got to know the man. and found out alot of what was said about his was not true 2. He experienced 4 years of trump and almost 4 years of Biden. and sees a MASSIVE difference, almost everythign was...
  3. E

    Could Trump do anything to make you stop supporting him?

    what, Make things better? lol.. You are funny sometimes.. its like your looking at a different world.
  4. E

    Understanding God’s election

    I am amazed at how special they make themselves out to be.. Yet deny it. A bunch of Denial
  5. E

    I was wondering who believes you can get unsaved.

    Because context of the whole book of Hebrews is going back to law. The law said you can lose salvation. then get it back again, then lose it. then get it back.. it said specifically. You can fall away. The authors warning is this, If you fall away (if it were possible) you can not be renewed...
  6. E

    Understanding God’s election

    If you think this you have not listened to a word I have said, I do not think this, I think it is much deeper than this, and have explained this numerous time’ ’
  7. E

    Understanding God’s election

    Can you respond to what Paul said in ephesians? 1. How we are saved by Grace THROUGH FAITH 2. How faith is not works. by which we can boast that we saved ourselves? I interpret grace to mean unmerited favor. If I am drowning and someone comes to rescue me, and I ALLOW them to rescue me because...
  8. E

    Understanding God’s election

    One more time Eph 2: 8 8 For by grace you have been saved Prety self explanitory. I have been saved solely by the grace of God through faith, But God will not force it on me. It is recieved through faith. and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone...
  9. E

    Understanding God’s election

    again, Who did the High priest make atonement for. All the people under the law. or just a few elect people under the law.
  10. E

    Understanding God’s election

    lol.. I said the priest offered payment, the payment was the animal and as I also have shown we are saved by Grace,, but THROUGH FAITH so why do you keep insisting I am the cause of my own salvation. God is sovereign he can do whatever he wills. if God says you must look to him as they...
  11. E

    Understanding God’s election

    I already explained this He who believes is not condemned, he who does not believe is condemned already No one will go to hell because of personal sin. Jesus took that payment for us on the cross. They will be condemned because they did not believe. The law could not save. It showed that we...
  12. E

    Understanding God’s election

    whatever dude. You can not counter me. so you push me away. thats fine. I do not have to convince you..
  13. E

    Understanding God’s election

    He died for every man woman and child who ever lived. that's why he can offer us salvation. and does, and has and will continue to offer salvation to all who will receive
  14. E

    Understanding God’s election

    I am not a strict NT christian I did not ignore the post you made or scripture Abraham was not saved because he obeyed Gods law. and he was not lost because he disobeyed. He was saved because he believed God. but the fact is, there was no law which condemned abraham before the mosaic law...
  15. E

    Understanding God’s election

    Good day.. I have asked you twice to stop. I will not continue.. Nothing I say will convince you.. And nothing you say will convince me, so why continue? it is fruitless
  16. E

    I was wondering who believes you can get unsaved.

    Its not a warning against doing so. the warning is if it were possible. you could not get saved again.. the thing that is impossible is renewing your salvation if it is lost. Remember the author is refuting those thinking you are saved by law. The law said you could fall away by sin, then...
  17. E

    Understanding God’s election

    yes, I can see this According to paul in romans 1. This is already known..But men hide this fact No one here believes this,, Being calvinst. arminian or anyone else who does not fit into either of these two parties. yes. But this is not calvinism, or fatalism. God does not counter his own...
  18. E

    Understanding God’s election

    again I disagree. we know by their fruits. Sis, I am not going to continue this, if you do not think he did. then don;t. I think he did and wqe have plenty of evidence. but am willing to agree to disagree. not worth fighting over.
  19. E

    I was wondering who believes you can get unsaved.

    Amen Many BELIEVE,, but that have no faith. sadly, what they really have faith in will eventually be revealed.. its almost set in stone. that they will reveal who they are. Although I think some make it awhile and we may never know the truth
  20. E

    Understanding God’s election

    yes. But this does not mean God made Pet4er born again so he could understand this.. I think it goes all the way back to chapter 1 eph 1: 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He...