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  1. G

    Let’s Have Some Fun

    Watchman Nee.
  2. G

    Bodybuilding advice

    I believe "no pain........... no pain!" I do some light exercise, light weights and stretches with stretch bands. I have an electric trike for aerobic exercise. I've done the heavy workout thing and injured myself. It my age, it takes forever to recover. No fun at all.
  3. G

    Are the moon landings fake?

    How old are you? Were you an adult when the first moon landing occurred? I was 17. You are clueless. Freemasons? Who? Names please. One that I know of. So what? There are Freemason brain surgeons. Does that make them incompetent? Do you have any idea of the selection process for an astronaut...
  4. G

    This mystery is profound?

    Thank you. Watchman Nee has been one the truly great influences in my life. The greatest was a man that no one has heard of, Ivor Marshall. I found Christ in Nee's writings. I found Christ in Ivor's preaching, teaching and the way he lived. I am inclined to be an intellectual. I was reading the...
  5. G

    Are the moon landings fake?

    Why is there such scepticism about moon landings? It was late 1960's. There was no Photoshop, no digital video, no AI, no CGI so faking it would be ridiculously difficult. Why? What's the point? Again, you are doubting the word of born again Christians. There is more evidence for the man walking...
  6. G

    Are the moon landings fake?

    Of course there is. It's a few miles under the sea.
  7. G

    Thoughts on Halloween

    Occult. Teaches kids evil, not that they need much encouragement. Avoid like the plague.
  8. G

    Are the moon landings fake?

    I hope you coat your words in honey. Otherwise they will hurt when you are forced to swallow them. Which you will. You realise that you are slandering born again Christians who went to the moon? God does not take kindly to His servants being falsely accused.
  9. G

    This mystery is profound?

    Yes. Only that which comes out of Adam is Eve. Only that which "comes out" of Christ is the church. Eve was physical and natural, the church is spiritual. Like Adam and Eve, God intends for the church to seek the "Tree of Life" as only that fruit leads to effective Kingdom living. The fruit of...
  10. G

    Purgatory, Catholic Bible vs Protestant Bible

    Agreeing on false doctrine is nothing to boast about. I traveled a great deal in my early Christian life, courtesy of the RAN (Australian Navy). I went to Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Hawaii, and many places in Australia. I went to a church in most of those places. I could...
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    God is all knowing. Do you imagine that He does not know who will repent and who will not? God graciously warned Ninevah that judgement was coming. They repented. God spared them. Later, Ninevah went back to its wicked ways. What God had promised came upon them. It's about time that people took...
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    I agree that Russia was instrumental. Let's leave out eschatology and tell me this: what nation anywhere at anytime would endure what Israel has endured without fighting back? If you have a better plan, that does not involve the end of Israel and Jews, tell me. I'm all ears. I've been asking...
  13. G

    Pastoral Restoration Craze

    The role of pastor is greatly exaggerated. The idea of a professional one man band leading a passive group of believers is a throwback to Catholicism. Most Catholic heresies have been ditched by Protestants, but not the role of Pastor. The word "Pastor" is mentioned just a few times in the NT...
  14. G

    New disciple struggling

    Your experience is common. I had the same thing. God will kind of kick start us on our walk with Him. Then He asks us to walk by faith. Also, we have an enemy who wants to keep us in confusion and rob us of our joy. The Joy of the Lord is our strength. Satan cannot undo our salvation, but he can...
  15. G

    unaswered prayers

    I let it rest after wrestling for a while. It was probably 14 years before I prayed again. It was days later that my prayer was answered.
  16. G


    You think God pussyfoots around with His enemies? Look what happened in the OT. If the Western world had not opposed the Axis forces in WW2, Germany and Japan would be running the world between them. Sitting around a campfire singing "Kumbaya" won't get the job done. Do you think Israel should...
  17. G

    unaswered prayers

    Paul's prayer was answered. God said, "No." That is an answer. God has three answers. "Yes", "No" and "Wait". Nearly 30 years ago, my first wife and I separated then divorced. She moved to a new home and did not give me an address. It was illegal, but I could do nothing about it. That's the...
  18. G


    A spirit of insanity has gripped the Western world. "Queers for Palestine"? They should go and visit. They will come home in a coffin.