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  1. G


    Sure, there are deceived Christians even now. They fell for the deception of the so-called Toronto Blessing. There are many "believers" who are not born again. They go along with Christianity, attend church and such. But they are prone to deception because they do not know Christ. They only know...
  2. G

    The Hell of the Bible Explained!

    Just wrong. Jesus took the sins of mankind into His mortal body as a sacrifice for the sins of mortal man. That sin filled body was left in the grave as Jesus rose from the dead. Mankind's real problem is not that he has sinned. It is that he is dead. There is no opportunity for anyone to be...
  3. G


    Will not happen. I read the end of the book. The Antichrist will soon arise and all who not in the Lamb's book of Life will be deceived. Time to get ready, people.
  4. G

    Democracy and Freedoms

    A nation gets the government that Christians pray for. If the nation is going down the tube, the church is responsible. We see this in Great Britain, no longer great, a nation that won and lost one of the greatest empires in history. Queen Victoria raised a Bible and said, "It is this book that...
  5. G

    The Gospels and the Mystery

    Utter garbage. Paul received the gospel from Christ. If you do not accept that then you have no basis for calling yourself a Christian.
  6. G

    Anyone here ride a motorcycle?

    Quit when I was 23. 50 years ago. Good fun but too dangerous.
  7. G

    How Did Your Spiritual Journey Begin?

    I grew up in the 1950's when Sunday school was normal for kids. My parents were glad to get us out of the house. I learned the usual stuff, but it did not mean much. My father was an angry atheist, which did not help. I quit Sunday school when I turned 8. My father was an alcoholic. Alcohol was...
  8. G


    I did not say that you are a heretic. Read my words again. I'm not God, but I have His Spirit and I know the Bible. John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 8:58 "Before Abraham was (born) , I am." "I am" is the name God identified Himself...
  9. G

    Do You Believe/Are You Baptized of Water and the Holy Ghost?

    The original Bible is in Greek and Hebrew. Lord Jesus spoke Aramaic.
  10. G

    Do You Believe/Are You Baptized of Water and the Holy Ghost?

    Well why not say so? We are in the 21st century, not the 17th. I shunned the baptism of the Holy Spirit at first because I know more than enough about ghosts.
  11. G

    The Gospels and the Mystery

    God promised Abraham that all the families of the earth would be blessed through him. That was before there was a nation of Israel. God's covenant with Israel allowed for Gentiles to enter into the covenant and to be treated as covenant people. Israel could have ruled the whole world, at least...
  12. G


    Do you accept that the epistles are God's word? If you do, I will respond to your points. If you do not, then you are a heretic and I will say no more.
  13. G

    Remember the Sabbath

    Your own words: "I don't think I'm better than other believers based on some sort of an obedience score card. We should all be lead by the Holy Spirit. But it's important to realize that the Holy Spirit sometimes calls us to obey God in practical matters, as well as spiritual. I'd venture to...
  14. G


    "There is a way that seems right to a man............." We are all the same until we learn, usually the hard way.
  15. G

    Gods will vs mans free will

    God's will is usually not that hard. It is in the mundane. We do not need an angel to tell us to get out of bed or go to work. When it gets more complicated, we need to ask God for His will to be done and leave it in His hands. The main thing is to keep doing what we know to do. A ship can be...
  16. G


    As long as it is treated, you will be fine. My wife is prescribed Travatan, which reduces the pressure. She was offered laser surgery. Not surprisingly, she said no. It's made a real difference to her sight. Age makes a difference. I can see at distance better than ever. Close up, I need...
  17. G

    Do You Believe/Are You Baptized of Water and the Holy Ghost?

    Just to clarify, I'm baptised in the Holy Spirit. I'm not big on ghosts.
  18. G

    Religious Tithing

    The NT talks about giving, not tithing. Christians should, if possible, those who teach and preach. I grew up in a dysfunctional family where money was always a problem. Nothing unusual about that! After I was saved, I found it hard to give and I struggled financially. When I finally began to...
  19. G

    Remember the Sabbath

    The sabbath does not apply to Christians. You should do a proper study of God's word to find out the relationship between the law and the believer.
  20. G

    Remember the Sabbath

    Rubbish. Unless you are Jewish, the Law never has applied to you, even before you were saved. "Hear, Oh Israel", says God. Not to Egypt, Babylon, Persia or any other nation. Christians are not just saved by grace, they also live by grace. We have the life of Christ within, who fulfills all...