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  1. C


    I find it more likely that the laying on of the Apostles hands provided the individuals with miraculous gifts (as we see at Pentecost). There is no reason to suggest that these people in Acts 19 did not receive the indwelling spirit at baptism, especially when that is the promise given in Acts...
  2. C

    What do we mean by “Calling?”

    Thanks for your reply. Not sure how it applies to this thread though. I wasn’t trying to focus on “calling” as it relates to salvation, but ”calling” as it relates to vocation…if there is such a thing.
  3. C

    What do we mean by “Calling?”

    Okay. Sounds good. So you dont believe that people need a “calling” to be a minister at a church?
  4. C

    What do we mean by “Calling?”

    Do you believe this is referring to salvation or vocation…or both? If vocation, what does this “call“ look like?
  5. C

    What do we mean by “Calling?”

    This may be my favorite reply of all time. I appreciate your humility and willingness to contemplate and pray over your thoughts on it. I have a feeling we will all be blessed by your insights.
  6. C

    What do we mean by “Calling?”

    I appreciate your very well thought out and Scripture-based reply. So do you believe ministry falls under the category of “general calling” or should someone seeking a position in the Church expect a more specific calling?
  7. C

    What do we mean by “Calling?”

    Amen. I agree brother. I guess my question, that you didn’t exactly answer, is what is His ”calling.” I presume you sought the Lord for direction for your occupation. How do you know what He was “calling” you to do?
  8. C


    You know, you can disagree without being disagreeable. How about we look at THE WORD OF GOD and what it says about baptism so we can “get back to preaching the truth” as you put it. So, what DOES Scripture say? Here we see Jesus commanding his disciple to MAKE DISCIPLES by BAPTIZING. This...
  9. C


    Yes, and that REQUEST for the Spirit happens at water baptism…according to Scripture. .’ its also why we are instructed to be “baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy SPirit”
  10. C


    I agree that in these instances, this was the case. However, in these scenarios, we see something very specific happening, in particular, the Gospel going to entirely new people groups. As you mentioned, the Samaritans first received the Spirit when the Apostles laid their hands on them. It...
  11. C

    Revelation: A Cyclical View

    I should have posted the reference, my bad. “The Faith Once For All: Bible Doctrine for Today” Jack Cottrell 2002. This book has a fantastic chapter on prophecy interpretation as well as views on the millennium that I think are very insightful. I could have similarly posted another book that...
  12. C

    Revelation: A Cyclical View

    Have you read church history? Cause I assure you I have read a LOT of the church fathers and early church writings about a host of topics…including Revelation and their views on the return of Christ, and NONE of them thought anything remotely close to what Darby taught. There’s a reason EVERY...
  13. C

    Revelation: A Cyclical View

    First, I’d like to thank you for your thoughtful replies. It seems you are the only one who actually understands the questions I am asking and is willing to provide a meaningful response backed with some documentation. Interesting quote, but I’d like to see some of his actual writings on the...
  14. C

    Revelation: A Cyclical View

    No, the Bible refutes your position. Stop persisting in your errors. See, we are getting a lot of progress here.
  15. C

    What do we mean by “Calling?”

    I keep seeing this phrase thrown around and the ambiguity of it bothers me. So, I thought it might be good that we discuss what we mean by the phrase, “God’s calling” or “Are you called to do such and such?” I have some concerns about such phrases and thought maybe by writing I could parse it...
  16. C

    Revelation: A Cyclical View

    I was being a bit sarcastic…but honestly, I am not really interested in responding to these kinds of comments. The moment someone says, “You‘re wrong, the Bible says so!”, the conversation is pretty much over. It’s not a conversation anymore, but an argument and I’m not interested in arguing...
  17. C

    Revelation: A Cyclical View

    Okay. I guess that settles it then.
  18. C


    I don’t think it is a poor choice of words. “Merely” if we are going to deal with semantics, in the modern vernacular is an adverb that means, ”just, only” -New Oxford American Dictionary. So, yes, I stand by the statement that “merely a spiritual baptism” means “only” or “just” a spiritual...
  19. C

    Revelation: A Cyclical View

    So you are suggesting Darby was not the first one to come up with Dispensationalism and the secret rapture of the church?
  20. C

    Revelation: A Cyclical View

    I think you need to do more research on Darby’s Dispensational Premillennial view.